We in the community all have our opinions and biases on the weapon systems but for this thread lets try to disregard those opinions for a moment and instead focus on where PGI stands officially and where they identify wiggle room if any, if we can get that response that is.
I believe largely if PGI doesn't agree with the identified problematic areas we are attempting to solve our efforts are largely futile and wasted, so it is in our interest to get to know the boundaries for the weapon design process as it stands.
This is notable because we've been posting feedback of varying quality and bias since PTS in mass amounts about this in all fairness controversial implementation of the weapon system, where much of that feedback has more or less been directed at the more elaborate mechanics of the weapon rather than minor properties as PGI identified issues in.
There I can somewhat identify a discrepancy between the community and PGI's view on the weapon more or less. As such it would be interesting to have a fundamental disclosure for its state, a clear cut reasoning from official sources as to where the weapon can possibly go from here. This cutting off the speculation, unwarranted hopes and other unrealistic suggestions that do not fit that official vision for the weapon and have no chance of being adopted in any case.
I am in earnest asking what your opinion on the weapons are PGI so we can analyse, suggest and make the improvements that can subsequently be made realistically. Only then can we discuss potential use cases and changes seriously that you are honestly open to.
While I understand you are likely thinking you are open to all kinds of interesting suggestions, but that isn't really the case in a pragmatic sense as we see a rather systematic unwillingness to change weapons mechanically when your vision is seemingly hard set regardless of them being controversial solutions on your part. Also we've seen weapons remain dysfunctional and problematic since forever without changes being even at least to our knowledge considered while often being highlighted as problematic regardless of POV.
To that effect I believe this request for disclosure is the better course of action. Essentially you tell us where the realistic boundaries and visions for the weapons exist and we then work with that which you are actually prepared to change or work with.
The alternative is that we can keep making threads about our more or less fantastical and often biased views and complaints for years and years without seeing any progress in those areas, as has been the case with all kinds of other weapons with similar issues. I do not believe that is a format we should engage in if at all possible to avoid.
If there is top down resistance and design limitations to changes that can easily be divulged and narrow down potential suggested solutions then that would be a good thing indeed to reveal.
I am simply making an appeal to meaningful design transparency to inform us on the status of your reasoning for the RAC weapon state in this case.
- Where do you see RAC's right now in terms of fun, functionality, drawbacks and performance and the strengths and weaknesses of the inherent weapon type itself compared to the meta?
- Is the weapon working as intended, is the vision set in stone and what exactly is the vision in detail?
- Is there potential for change of the RAC, to what extent and in what manner, explaining why or why not?
I do believe many people invested in this topic would certainly appreciate additional openness in the current design process even if it shuts down various hopes and possibilities for change.
Thank you.
Reserved for all the human things.