Posted 30 July 2017 - 03:48 AM
Posted 30 July 2017 - 04:37 AM
4 or 5 ersl
2 srm6art
Somethin like that. Play peekaboo with ppc. Use speed to relocate. Get ready to brawl when u have the advantage
Posted 30 July 2017 - 04:46 AM
Edited by El Bandito, 30 July 2017 - 04:50 AM.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 04:55 AM
Can switch them up to er meds for a little extra range and still critseek with the lmgs, but my OCD didnt like all the empty slots.
Edited by Ganatar, 30 July 2017 - 04:58 AM.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 06:03 AM
Dale Grible, on 30 July 2017 - 04:37 AM, said:
4 or 5 ersl
2 srm6art
Somethin like that. Play peekaboo with ppc. Use speed to relocate. Get ready to brawl when u have the advantage
Not to much into mixed builds mostly because I liked syn'd builds.
El Bandito, on 30 July 2017 - 04:46 AM, said:
Have 2 Master'd Linebackers with SRM's, is it worth bring HLL on a Linebacker? Not really holding a huge positive light on it that's not HSL's
Edited by Battlemaster56, 30 July 2017 - 06:04 AM.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 06:31 AM
Separate 3x ERML from 2x LPL on weapon groups. When hot, only fire 2x LPL. When really really hot, chain fire.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 06:49 AM
Posted 30 July 2017 - 06:55 AM
Battlemaster56, on 30 July 2017 - 03:48 AM, said:
Not enough damage? You must do something wrong...
I'am regularly dropping with a LBK-C with 6 MPL equipped in FW and I rarely do less than 500 dmg in it. Mostly it's more around ~800 dmg.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 07:06 AM
Hanky Spam, on 30 July 2017 - 06:55 AM, said:
Not enough damage? You must do something wrong...
I'am regularly dropping with a LBK-C with 6 MPL equipped in FW and I rarely do less than 500 dmg in it. Mostly it's more around ~800 dmg.
Don't do much FW, but I'm just barely making 240 damage on SQ and I been experimenting on many builds it's just doesn't feel like I'm putting damage as before.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 08:13 AM
3hmgs (tho I switch to lmgs from time to time)
2.5 tons of ammo, 1.5 if lmgs
3 heavy medium lasers
2 medium pulse
Stack with dhs.
Edited by JackalBeast, 30 July 2017 - 08:55 AM.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 08:18 AM
Using the newest in Clan technology, we now have higher alphas with less weight, perfect for a mech with low pod space and a pilot insane enough to deal with the heat and durations.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 08:27 AM
Another problem is that the small pulse used to be great for brawling but is now godawful at 4 damage for 1 ton. ER SLs have way too much spread damage and the heavy lasers are terrible for brawling for the same reason (not to mention being far too hot).
The stormcrow just fills the role much better at 10 tons less, and the anemic quirks that the linebacker gets doesn't copensate for the pod space difference.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 08:29 AM
Posted 30 July 2017 - 09:17 AM
Funk1777, on 30 July 2017 - 08:29 AM, said:
But you can do that same build with a mad dog, except with more heat sinks and better convergence.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 09:25 AM
Posted 30 July 2017 - 09:27 AM
Jun Watarase, on 30 July 2017 - 09:17 AM, said:
But you can do that same build with a mad dog, except with more heat sinks and better convergence.
MDD have to risk it self greatly to run that build since it got the most easiest ST's to break despite what's going for in the build.
Also i see alot of people using Heavy lasers and LMG's so I may go try a few builds with heavy lasers and see the results.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 09:35 AM
Tried one Viper build with 4 x HML, it works well enough.
Edited by Tordin, 30 July 2017 - 09:35 AM.
Posted 30 July 2017 - 02:53 PM
Another build I'm running that does a lot of damage is 3 light machine gun with 2.5 tons of ammo, 1 er large in the high mount left torso, and 5 heavy smalls with 7 heat sinks. good burn, a 54 point alpha, on forest colony you get FIVE alphas nonstop without overheating (the sixth will do it) the heavy smalls have a VERY close recharge time to the ERLL, you can pick away a bit of damage at a distance with your super high mount shoulder, crack them open once you mix in the heavy smalls, and then rip the components to pieces with the light MG's. I might go for regular MG's once I test it further and find my ideal range (especially since the heavy smalls, my primary damage dealer, are at the regular MG ideal range)
You could swap out a ton of ammo for a targeting computer or another heat sink.
Once you get in close and get hot, you can fire the machine guns and 5x heavy smalls almost infinitely on a map like forest, it's like 40-50 shots to overheat. Tourmaline you get 4 safe alphas and then switch to the smalls.
Edited by Honeybadgers, 30 July 2017 - 03:08 PM.
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