An uncoordinated offense is far more likely to succeed at its goals than an uncoordinated defense.

Started by GuardDogg, Jul 30 2017 06:04 PM
24 replies to this topic
Posted 18 September 2017 - 04:13 PM
Posted 19 September 2017 - 12:21 PM
GuardDogg, on 30 July 2017 - 06:04 PM, said:
Of all the years been trying. Not one pilot is allowed to defend anything. That goes with a base, capping and defending. Because if you do, some players will freak out, and next thing your reported. I like to be relaxed and enjoy a game, but others get upset. Needs to be changed.
You don't understand how a tactical / combat game works.
If you defend something, either you do nothing and because of that, the others fight 11 vs 12 and therefore probably lose, or you are playing 1 vs 12, die without making any difference and then the others fight 11 vs 12 because of your useless death.
You are NOT a guard post or a garrison or something, you are part of a strike team. If you don't strike with the team (no matter if front row or support from the back), you hurt the team. There is no "defending" of a single player in symmetrically engaging teams.
Your understandind of the game is what needs to change.
Edited by Paigan, 19 September 2017 - 12:28 PM.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 12:35 PM
Paigan, on 19 September 2017 - 12:21 PM, said:
You don't understand how a tactical / combat game works.
If you defend something, either you do nothing and because of that, the others fight 11 vs 12 and therefore probably lose, or you are playing 1 vs 12, die without making any difference and then the others fight 11 vs 12 because of your useless death.
You are NOT a guard post or a garrison or something, you are part of a strike team. If you don't strike with the team (no matter if front row or support from the back), you hurt the team. There is no "defending" of a single player in symmetrically engaging teams.
Your understandind of the game is what needs to change.
If you defend something, either you do nothing and because of that, the others fight 11 vs 12 and therefore probably lose, or you are playing 1 vs 12, die without making any difference and then the others fight 11 vs 12 because of your useless death.
You are NOT a guard post or a garrison or something, you are part of a strike team. If you don't strike with the team (no matter if front row or support from the back), you hurt the team. There is no "defending" of a single player in symmetrically engaging teams.
Your understandind of the game is what needs to change.
Got to be kidding me, are you serious? How did the word "Defend" came about? If the US military build bases, and then said "Why are you defending the base? Get your *** out here.", with the buildings, turrets, and vehicles. The enemy would gain ground so fast, and US will say, "why are we screwing up?"
Noticed it is the payout at end of rounds. If you just go destroy a base, you get nothing. If you just go cap only, you get nothing, but your team mates will gloat in glory for the win and they get a payout. Now if players get a good payout for defending in base, then players would defend just as well go out in attack the enemy. Defending is a huge No, no in MWO, and needs to be fixed. Even that guy who says "Defend the base..." beginning of round.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 12:51 PM
GuardDogg, on 19 September 2017 - 12:35 PM, said:
Got to be kidding me, are you serious? How did the word "Defend" came about? If the US military build bases, and then said "Why are you defending the base? Get your *** out here.", with the buildings, turrets, and vehicles. The enemy would gain ground so fast, and US will say, "why are we screwing up?"
If you knew anything about US military doctrine, you'd know bases are essentially just places to sleep and keep your stuff. You place guards there out of necessity, but if any of them ever have to actually do something someone screwed up.
It's been like that for pretty much the entirety of the life span of the United States. Over the years, US forces (And during the Civil War, CSA forces) were forced into defending sieges, but they were all last ditch efforts, and almost 100% of them failed.
Noticed it is the payout at end of rounds. If you just go destroy a base, you get nothing. If you just go cap only, you get nothing, but your team mates will gloat in glory for the win and they get a payout. Now if players get a good payout for defending in base, then players would defend just as well go out in attack the enemy. Defending is a huge No, no in MWO, and needs to be fixed. Even that guy who says "Defend the base..." beginning of round.
The best way to defend anything is not to sit on it. It's map control. Which means movement. This is most easily seen in Escort missions - A team that just walks with the Atlas is a team that's about to lose. Hard.
Posted 19 September 2017 - 01:31 PM
GuardDogg, on 19 September 2017 - 12:35 PM, said:
Got to be kidding me, are you serious? How did the word "Defend" came about? If the US military build bases, and then said "Why are you defending the base? Get your *** out here.", with the buildings, turrets, and vehicles. The enemy would gain ground so fast, and US will say, "why are we screwing up?"
Noticed it is the payout at end of rounds. If you just go destroy a base, you get nothing. If you just go cap only, you get nothing, but your team mates will gloat in glory for the win and they get a payout. Now if players get a good payout for defending in base, then players would defend just as well go out in attack the enemy. Defending is a huge No, no in MWO, and needs to be fixed. Even that guy who says "Defend the base..." beginning of round.
Noticed it is the payout at end of rounds. If you just go destroy a base, you get nothing. If you just go cap only, you get nothing, but your team mates will gloat in glory for the win and they get a payout. Now if players get a good payout for defending in base, then players would defend just as well go out in attack the enemy. Defending is a huge No, no in MWO, and needs to be fixed. Even that guy who says "Defend the base..." beginning of round.
1.) Giant rofl to you for making such a childish comparison and even inside the comparison not knowing what you are talking about (see Bombast's post)
2.) You are confusing strategy and tactics: In incursion, the STRATEGIC target is to defend the base, but the TACTICS in a relatively simple 12 vs 12 match still dictates that a useless 1 vs 12 plus a deterimental 11 vs 12 is hilariously stupid compared to 12 vs 12. A "guard" Mech in such a situation is basically just an AFK jack*** watching his comrades getting slaughtered. Why is that so hard to understand? If you split off and stand around to "guard" something, you are basically just a drop out.
You have not the slightest understanding for tactical situations. Pleast stop posting about them.
Edited by Paigan, 19 September 2017 - 01:35 PM.
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