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The Road To Maximum Stealth

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#41 Methanoid


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Posted 07 August 2017 - 10:13 AM

View PostCatten Hart, on 06 August 2017 - 12:01 PM, said:

It can help quite well if you have TAG or a NARC, because in those cases, your equipment is getting the target in view for your teammates instead of you. It's pretty potent on Ravens, Enforcers, and sometimes Atlases. Of course, that Atlas doesn't care about locks.

Tags dont actually function while in stealth (the visual shows but the target does not get lit up), only narcs, so if you are running around in stealth using a tag, you have just wasted your time and not actually helped the team in any way at all, also not every stealth capable mech can equip or can afford to drop a weapon for a narc which will probably be ams'd.

#42 Methanoid


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Posted 07 August 2017 - 10:18 AM

View PostMechwarrrior8055091, on 06 August 2017 - 09:31 PM, said:

I made it clear,
BAP can counter stealth armor in game right now ,
most streak boats and LRM boats with bap.
but should be a bug.

BAP doesnt do anything to stealth directly, it affects ECM and stealth relies on a working ECM that is not being countered, also for mechs equipped with ECM and BAP, BAP will not counter at all, ECM overrules the BAP and you have to set ECM to counter mode manually, which is a bit pathetic tbh.

#43 Davegt27


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Posted 07 August 2017 - 12:26 PM


The Inner Sphere now has access to Stealth Armor; a new Armor type unique to the Inner Sphere. Stealth Armor can only be equipped by ECM-capable 'Mechs, and only when ECM is currently equipped.

Stealth Armor operates under an On/Off toggle state, and is toggled with the 'M' key (by default).
When active, Stealth Armor will make your 'Mech invisible to Enemy Sensors and Targeting systems, remaining visible only to the naked eye. When Stealth Armor is active your ECM will automatically switch to Disrupt, and will function in that state as normal.
Your Sensor Range is also reduced by 75% while your Stealth Armor is Active.

When Stealth Armor is active your 'Mech will be prevented from dissipating any Heat your 'Mech is generating. In hot environments this will cause a gradual build-up of Heat, even when your 'Mechs is not in motion or otherwise engaged.
When Stealth Armor is deactivated any retained Heat is quickly dissipated, and any passive Heat related to Stealth Armor activity from environmental or 'Mech effects is no longer generated.
Once Stealth Armor is deactivated, you must wait for a period of 10 seconds before it can be reactivated. However, Stealth Armor can be immediately deactivated once it is activated.

Stealth Armor requires 12 Critical Slots, but does not save you any tonnage.

#44 MadHornet


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Posted 07 August 2017 - 03:58 PM

View PostOld MW4 Ranger, on 06 August 2017 - 08:08 PM, said:

and what for damage and Kills make this crippled Build ? Posted Image no great help for the team...tonnage better for ammo and Weapons as for Stealth


I traded two SRM-4's for two SRM-2's and got stealth armor and ECM. I get spotted less often, I get more hits in. I play 3 SRM-4, everyone sees me and I lose my weapon arm immediately and I'm left with one SRM launcher running around at the end of the match.

Meanwhile the night before the only reason I won a match was because I was not seen for most of the match, capped points, and assassinated several unsuspecting targets that would have normally erased me from the universe.

I have a feeling you don't really have anything to contribute here, especially when your next reply is boasting about how you killed a stealth Commando out of the corner of your eye instead of adding anything useful to the discussion.

#45 Davegt27


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Posted 07 August 2017 - 04:49 PM

this is a quote from the description of stealth armor


When active, Stealth Armor will make your 'Mech invisible to Enemy Sensors and Targeting systems, remaining visible only to the naked eye.

is Bap considered a sensor or a targeting system?

#46 Felbombling


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Posted 08 August 2017 - 09:07 AM

Decals tend to stand out like a sore thumb with night vision and thermal vision. Does Stealth activation counter that, in some fashion? You might be making yourself more noticeable with the decals.

#47 Methanoid


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Posted 08 August 2017 - 10:56 AM

View PostDavegt27, on 07 August 2017 - 04:49 PM, said:

this is a quote from the description of stealth armor

is Bap considered a sensor or a targeting system?

BAP gimps the enemy's ecm which the stealth relies on.

#48 Athom83


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Posted 08 August 2017 - 02:07 PM

Quick pip in; Can confirm Stealth armored mechs are hidden from UAVs. Popped one while right behind a Stealth Armor Stalker, and it didn't pick him up. Started calling that there was an enemy Stalker right next to me, and the 2 lance-mates that were near me completely ignored me and the Stalker despite the fact that the Stalker started shooting them. I opened up the Stalker's back armor and got him to red CT Structure, but that thing was agile AF and was able to keep me in my Urbie at his front. If only the friendly Hunchback IIC that was in line of sight would've turned and shot him after I was frantically calling for him to help me, I might have survived and killed the Stalker.

View PostMethanoid, on 06 August 2017 - 11:47 AM, said:

also black skin on alpine/snow maps, yup dont help that much tbh.

That's why I prefer grey colors and certain camo patterns, like forest or urban, that just break up the lines of the mech.

#49 Firelizard


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Posted 08 August 2017 - 05:05 PM

View PostAthom83, on 08 August 2017 - 02:07 PM, said:

That's why I prefer grey colors and certain camo patterns, like forest or urban, that just break up the lines of the mech.

Considering one cannot control what map they play on with certainty, deception vs obscuration should always be the preference in camo in this game.

Light decals on areas the mech is naturally self-shadowed, dark colors on areas normally illuminated by the environment. The idea of using a decal on the face is good, but my suggestion is to use one matched to the color of the cockpit glass. Less about hiding the mech, and more about making it hard to see where the cockpit ends and the hull begins.

Also, dazzle-paint. The default black and white is actually VERY effective with screwing with someones ability to pick up on outlines. At the very least it could throw off someone's ability to pick out hitboxes on first glance, which may do you some favors in a mutual snap-shot scenario.

#50 Wildstreak


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Posted 08 August 2017 - 05:16 PM

View PostAppogee, on 07 August 2017 - 03:38 AM, said:

I have been running a Stealth Pirate's Bane.

I'm not convinced it's worth the compromises. I was spending too much time toggling Stealth on and off trying to manage the heat.

Depends on the PB loadout.
Not gotten to try it in match yet but I got 4ERSLs and 2HMGs.

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