Templar - http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Templar

My opinion even with its lock XL engine this thing could be really mean....From the artwork of the Templar (1, not the III or the MW4 version) the pros would be...
1. High mounted Torso hard points, very similar to the Battlemaster.
2. Large Shield arms like the Battlemaster and Banshee, along with narrow torso hit boxes, possibly if not likelying making it XL friendly.
3. Although locked XL, the rating is not bad at 340 giving it a speed of 64.8 before speedtweek.
4. At 85 tons she would have single ton jump jets (that is a huge thing to consider...)
5. ECM variants!
6. A wide selection of hard point configurations to choose from.
Granted yes, until we get the artwork, in game model, and quirks everything is purely speculation, but I would put some money on this being a fairly decent mech to add to the game!

Edited by CK16, 12 August 2017 - 09:17 AM.