There were perhaps a handful of protesters there to protest the destruction of history,
The rest had other motives. Showing up with clubs and shields is intent.
Several groups were lost, and were not from Charlottesville.
A reporter got hold of a Business Styled Card, professionally done with Unicorn Riots emblazoned across the front of the card. Someone intended for the violence to happen, all they had to do was to entice some side to do it.
Yesterday I talked to an African American, who told me that 6 years ago he was given a fake drivers license and a hundred dollar bill to join one of the protests happening in Mississippi and Georgia.
This morning another man was hoping that because someone got hurt that his pay would be higher for his part in agitating a mob mentality. This is not democracy. This is Tyranny. All he had to do was agitate the hate groups.
It is to the family of Heather, who lost her life when James Fields drove into the crowd that I offer my prayers. Those who drove the buses, agitated the hate filled crowd, who organized them using social media are just as much to blame for the events as anyone else. The riot was not a sample oft democracy, but organized tyranny. .
Edited by Kalimaster, 14 August 2017 - 07:46 AM.