A link to a thread for some very good Inner Sphere 'Mech builds, if I come across one for Clan 'Mech builds I will add it
A link to a well written Faction Play guide by a player from arguably one of the most successful FP units out there.
* Decide what type of builds I'm going to run, thus dictating what type of fighting I'm going to TRY and commit to. (This requires the knowledge that I maybe inneffective at certain ranges and therefore will have to use map knowledge and positiong to fight effectively).
* Build 'Mechs and assign points on Skill Trees to suit/compliment the builds.
* Save dropbdeck and repeat for my other three dropdeck slots (Yes, I paid the MC for the extras to give me more flexibility).
Now these steps were carried out many times over the last few years but the building and skill point assignment take up the majority of my "down time" when not dropping and are the reason for 75-80% of my successful drops. If you want to win you need to plan, you need to make the other team fight you on your terms (your desired effective fighting conditions) or at least deny them their ability to fight effectively (map knowledge and positioning). After this there is a few choices:
*Check to see who is online and wants to group up for Faction Play. This can be accomplished by checking the various Teamspeak hubs which are listed on these forums; Comstar NA/EU, the FRR/Kurita Hub and the Davion hub are three I can think of straight away but there are many more.
* Goto LFG and hope someone sends you an invite.
* Drop solo and hope you either get mixed in with a good group of players or that both teams are equally as mixed.
The further down these three options you go the less control over the win/loss you have and the less time you spend thinking about and implementing the steps in the Mechlab you lower your chances even further.
I see so many threads bemoaning the same things for the posters losses: Clan 'tech, IS structure quirks, "big bad premade" groups vs solo vs PuG's, choke-point map designs, reward bias and spawn camping to name a few. However I rarely see a post saying "You know what, my mixed bag team of solo's were beaten and the OpFor were just better organised/setup or skilled than us, I'm going to go look for a group to drop with and perhaps learn a few builds to suite my playstyle". A lot of thread OP's are looking for the game designers to level every playing field for them without recognising that they themselves are often the deciding or at least contributing factor to their own poor game experience/performance. As much as the gamemode is shallow on immersion, it DOES require some forethought and preparation by the player and as much as I would love to get into why certain weapon types are ineffective on certain maps and gamemodes, THAT is a can of worms best left untouched.
The TL:DR?
If you want to win (or at least have more fun against a good opponent)
* Plan your builds to suit how you want to fight.
* Communicate with your team and at least call your target or movement.
* Get grouped up with other FP players.
* Accept the fact there are better players/groups out there and that you will lose from time to time. However if you percevere with these steps those losses wil become fewer and you will enjoy yourself more.
**editted the title to hopefully draw more attention and perhaps give more players a starting point to drop in Faction Play**
**editted to add IS build thread link**
(Disclaimer, I am not an "Elite" pilot but I am the Founder and CO of a unit formed to play FP and as such have over 3000 drops in that mode. So although I may not be the best or anywhere close, I DO have a lot of experience. It's upto you whether you, as the reader, want to take it or not. I can only offer.)
Edited by xX PUG Xx, 10 June 2018 - 05:47 AM.