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Remove Gauss Charge

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Poll: Remove gauss charge (92 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you support the removal of gauss charge

  1. Yes I do (48 votes [52.17%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 52.17%

  2. No I do not (40 votes [43.48%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 43.48%

  3. I dont care (4 votes [4.35%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.35%

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#1 Nema Nabojiv


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Posted 25 August 2017 - 01:40 AM

A history lesson.
A long time ago people boated two or more PPCs and a gauss rifle and did 35 pinpoint damage from any range. Preferrably while jumping, but it worked well in brawling too,
The projectile speeds for the two were almost identical and it helped a lot.
This meta was called poptarting and it was really cancerous back then.

To make the game less cancerous and more brawley PGI came up with several things
- the ghost heat for three and more PPCs
- charge-up mechanic for gauss
- PPC projectile speed was lowered to split the two even more
- Jump jet cockpit shake was introduced so you couldn't reliably aim while ascending
- JJ thrust was nerfed for heavy and assault mechs and they could not jump really high anymore

This all worked fine, and in my opinion the game got better. The gauss+2PPC poptarting still worked though but to a way lesser extent.

And now, the final blow was made when gauss was linked to the same ghost heat group as PPC and you shutdown after a single gauss+2PPC alpha now.

Effectively both the combo and poptarting is no more. The double gauss alpha is only 30 and you can easilly get it with two HPPC.

Thus all the reasons we have gauss charge-up in the first place are already adressed and its time to get rid of the damn thing.

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