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Blind Purchase

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#1 Smites


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:26 AM

Greetings MechWarriors. Today I've got a simple question. Have any of you cancelled your pre-orders or won't be pre-ordering the Hellspawn after PGI officially banned not only modding for colorblind support, but all mods including sound?

Who asked for the Hellspawn, anyway? I don't think I saw that mech mentioned in any of the polls.

Please refrain from anything less than a constructive answer. I do not wish this thread or either of us to be moderated for being unconstructive.

Edited by Smites, 01 September 2017 - 10:30 AM.

#2 Revis Volek


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:29 AM

wtf is the hellspawn?

Also, why wasn't the right missile pod built into the mech like the left one? Was this thing strapped together with left over Hellbringer and Bushwacker parts and some space tape?

#3 JediPanther


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:33 AM

pgi's bs of not allowing something that would benefit all players even ones that might have never needed or used that color blind mod was asine **** move. The sounds mods are just user end from what i've seen of them and I use the mlg on mine. I won't be funding their bs for a long time. how people spend their money is their own choice but this certainly makes me want to spend even less than I do now on pgi. I use to like looking at new-ish light mechs but now I'd rather use the money on steam sales and get a game from a developer that gave a **** about their game and customers.

#4 Smites


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:35 AM

View PostRevis Volek, on 01 September 2017 - 10:29 AM, said:

wtf is the hellspawn?

Also, why wasn't the right missile pod built into the mech like the left one? Was this thing strapped together with left over Hellbringer and Bushwacker parts and some space tape?

I... quite honestly had to go and check on Sarna that this wasn't another PGI custom mech that they were trying to add.

As for your other question? Style, I guess. I didn't notice UNTIL YOU BROUGHT IT UP! GAH!!! Posted Image

View PostJediPanther, on 01 September 2017 - 10:33 AM, said:

PGI's bs of not allowing something that would benefit all players even ones that might have never needed or used that color blind mod was [REDACTED] move. The sounds mods are just user end from what I've seen of them and I use the mlg on mine. I won't be funding their bs for a long time. how people spend their money is their own choice but this certainly makes me want to spend even less than I do now on PGI. I use to like looking at new-ish light mechs but now I'd rather use the money on steam sales and get a game from a developer that gave a **** about their game and customers.

Unfortunately, because of how... vague and all-encompassing the latest official notice is, I think that sound mods may've returned to illegal status. Posted Image

This is 100% my subjective interpretation and I might be wrong, though.

#5 Lorcryst NySell


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 11:05 AM


I will continue to spend money on this game. But I also just got my Internet connection back after two months, and I'm not really up to date with the latest histrionics of PGI/The Players/Others.

I made the decision to spend money on this game after my first month of play, because even if I'm bad/potatoe, even if I don't understand design decisions, even if I don't understand game mechanics, I'm enjoying myself when I log in.

Since my enjoyment of the game actually increased in the last week, wallet is open.

And since I'm a Living Fossil playing MMOs since 1997 that has seen the very worst that Dev Teams could offer, I'll add this : PGI is not too bad actually, some blunders, some very stupid decisions, but also some reactivity and an overall good product (if Minimally Viable in some cases).

I've seen, and been logged into, games that were litterally unplayable for weeks at a time, as in you could log in, use the chat, move around, but NPCs were not responding ... or you could not move ... and those were games with a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION + BASE PURCHASE.

Edited by Lorcryst NySell, 01 September 2017 - 11:06 AM.

#6 Bud Crue


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 11:07 AM

Boycott purchasing half a Dragon?


Still not much of a boycot. I can't imagine that thing selling well in the first place. Yikes.

#7 Thorqemada


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 11:28 AM

I never cancelled pre-orders, i pre ordered only 3 times and that was the Founder Pack, the original Phoenix Pack + Sarahs Jenner and since then no Pre-Orders given.

I was about to go into the Marauder + Urbie packs but voting came early enough to let me step back from pushing the button...

The only thing i would buy would be a Centurion IIC which is not Lore afaik ;)

#8 MechaBattler


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 11:34 AM

I wouldn't. If I had any. But then I'm not colorblind. I'll just say that they should do more to support colorblind players. But I'm not going to start a riot over it. And I didn't use sound mods either. So not really hurting on that end.

#9 Ruar


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 11:37 AM

I've already closed my wallet for the very attitude displayed in the color blind situation.

That said, I would never use the Hellspawn. Way too ugly. Not to mention it's supposed to be an update for the Dervish... a mech that many people actually do want to see in the game. Granted they would have to develop some new variants since the Dervish is way to missile focused for MWO.

#10 Jay Leon Hart


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 12:39 PM

For clarity, from Gas Guzzler's poll

The Hellspawn is/was (it may have been removed, depending on when you're reading this) the most popular IS Medium and the IS Medium category is the closest and most hotly contested.

By number of votes;

Hellspawn - 281
Chimera - 248
Men Shen - 247
Dervish - 241
Sha Yu - 200
Starslayer - 189
Blackjack (Omni) - 167
Firestarter (Omni) - 117
Lynx - 99
Strider - 93
Enfield - 90
Vulcan - 61
Lightray - 40
Komodo - 40

As to the question? I'm not buying it because I don't want to, it's not a 'mech that really appeals to me (though that special camo is splendid!).

The colour blind support, or lack thereof, is a separate issue for me.

#11 1453 R


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 01:20 PM

I haven't pre-ordered (or spent in general) jack monkey squat since I sunk twenty bucks into Huntsmen, way back when.

That's not because I'm Furious With PGI or Outraged Forever or Voting With My Wallet or whatever, though. And it's not because Piranha has consistently failed to live up to their repeated promises to 'look into' colorblind support for MWO. That's...really not the only thing they've consistently failed to live up to, ne?

But no. I haven't spent any more money on MWO simply because I haven't been playing it much. Sure, I'll drop with Maker and Trav occasionally since the FutureTech update, but for the most part? I've got everything I really need already, Piranha keeps making baffling choices for 'Mechs to introduce, they skipped HAGs and AP Gauss/Magshots in the FutureTech drop, and...well, I just don't feel like playing all that much anymore.

Does that make Piranha Evil Vicious Backstabbing Baby-Eating Madmen, the way so many folks keep screeching about? Nah. It just means they've failed to retain my interest in the face of new and interesting developments. That happens.

Is the Hellspawn better than the vast majority of the shitMechs on that IS medium 'Mech list? Yeah. I mean c'mon let's be real here - the Hellspawn has jets and ECM in most configurations and doesn't waste tonnage or hardpoints on ballistic weapons it's too small to effectively use anyways. It's got a nice stock speed and all the engine rating it needs to go however fast you like, and once you knock off that bolt-on missile pod on the right arm it's got (ideally) a pretty compact silhouette. Is it a Tier 0 Murdermonster? No. is it better than the...:

Men Shen
Sha Yu
Blackjack (Omni)
Firestarter (Omni)

Yes. The Hellspawn is likely a stronger choice than all but two of the 'Mechs on that list. Does that make it a strong choice? Not necessarily, but that would simply mean that the good Sphere mediums are all already in the game and whatever Sphere medium choices come in now are more about nostalgia or quirkiness than sheer power.

The thing's an old favorite of mine from MW4. if I was in a giving mood I might honestly preorder it even through the colorblind debacle. Frankly I might just do so anyways because the Early Adopter pack looks unusually enticing this time and I do actually miss my old Hellspawns. I do love me some demon girls, and I could use me an Eye of Sauron deckle and some colors in shades I don't have much of right now. We'll have to see if I feel like endorsing Piranha's tomfuggery again before October rolls around, I suppose.

Edited by 1453 R, 01 September 2017 - 01:20 PM.

#12 Ruar


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 03:10 PM

Well, top of the poll. Not sure how that happened but I will admit PGI looks like they were trying to take the most popular option.

Now if only they would just run a poll each month with a list of mechs that was linked in game. A player poll isn't really official and just shows how poorly PGI communicates.

#13 1453 R


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 03:30 PM

View PostRuar, on 01 September 2017 - 03:10 PM, said:

Well, top of the poll. Not sure how that happened but I will admit PGI looks like they were trying to take the most popular option.

Now if only they would just run a poll each month with a list of mechs that was linked in game. A player poll isn't really official and just shows how poorly PGI communicates.

This has been answered - if Piranha runs an Official Poll, it creates the expectation that whatever wins is defo guaranteed in, and in very soon to boot. That can cause hassles for Piranha, and would likely result in the poll being between only two or three 'Mechs, the way Russ occasionally does over Twitter.

This sort of broad-spectrum community-driven opinion gathering is something they find super useful because it lets them see where interest lays without getting them forcibly on the hook for some super dumb thing the community wants for entirely awful reasons (like the GOD DAMNED CHARGER) that would sell like ebola milkshakes over here.

So yeah. Hellspawn. Deal w/it.

Edited by 1453 R, 01 September 2017 - 03:30 PM.

#14 FireStoat


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 03:51 PM

Color blind mode was one of the features Riot Games took several adjustments in making for League of Legends because they took their player feedback very seriously. No color mix for such a mode will be perfect, but they came pretty close from what I've heard from a friend who is color blind (male).

PGI not making any attempt and shooting down one or more players attempting to supply a correct fix... I guess I'm not surprised at this point, but I am disappointed. I'm already not making USD purchases with PGI over their use of blanket nerfs to an entire row of chassis variants over one or two variants that over perform above the other choices. People who own the Spirit Bear or MAD IIC (D) know what I'm talking about. Customers retain the right to evaluate and compare how a company makes their choices against rival products, and PGI's balance decisions could stand some real improvement.

Also, Airstrike Online. Seriously, WTF. Good for PGI in draining Cbills, bad for gameplay based on mech loadouts and skill.

#15 JediPanther


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 07:40 PM

View PostSmites, on 01 September 2017 - 10:35 AM, said:

Unfortunately, because of how... vague and all-encompassing the latest official notice is, I think that sound mods may've returned to illegal status. Posted Image

Don't know what they say about sound mods. I know lots of people run mw2-mw4 sound mods for music/weapon fx. I just find the mlg betty one so much more fun than the same line of betty over and over.

Lrm dbag is after you..it's that annoying lrm guy again vs incoming missile all the time. I don't see how a sound mod would be an exploit. If pgi wanted to go full on re **** they'd say all sound is an exploit and turn them off. I know the sound of ac 20 is different from guass so does that give me a tactical advantage knowing which one I'm shot with or shooting at some one?

Players have been asking for custom bitchin bettys for years too that they would buy with mc. Pgi loves to ignore the things that are good ideas that people have said or ask for quite willing to spend money on and yet we get bolt on geo, told no on ik after they said it would return, etc.

As for the hellspawn mech it looks like a kit bash of mechs. Like Arnold said in predator it's one ugly m---. I'd have to see how much of a nerf it gets hit with when it comes out for c-bills. It's rare for me to buy a mech with money now since you know the mech will be nerfed at least once for c-bills and numerious times before if people cry about it enough on tiwt to russ.

#16 Ruar


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 07:49 PM

View Post1453 R, on 01 September 2017 - 03:30 PM, said:

This has been answered - if Piranha runs an Official Poll, it creates the expectation that whatever wins is defo guaranteed in, and in very soon to boot. That can cause hassles for Piranha, and would likely result in the poll being between only two or three 'Mechs, the way Russ occasionally does over Twitter.

This sort of broad-spectrum community-driven opinion gathering is something they find super useful because it lets them see where interest lays without getting them forcibly on the hook for some super dumb thing the community wants for entirely awful reasons (like the GOD DAMNED CHARGER) that would sell like ebola milkshakes over here.

So yeah. Hellspawn. Deal w/it.

Seems to me the easy solution is have a poll but don't show the results until you are ready to release the feature. Then they can still release what they want, show the poll results and take a moment to explain why they didn't pick the top poll answer. It's called communication, but I don't really expect PGI to understand how it works.

#17 Jackal Noble


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 08:18 PM

Cazidin? Why'd you change your name to Smites?

#18 BourbonFaucet


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 09:37 PM

View PostRevis Volek, on 01 September 2017 - 10:29 AM, said:

wtf is the hellspawn?

Also, why wasn't the right missile pod built into the mech like the left one? Was this thing strapped together with left over Hellbringer and Bushwacker parts and some space tape?

In Mechwarrior 4, its debut game afaik, Missile pods were their own destroyable hit locations. This includes the Hellspawn's strapped on box, the Mad Cat Mark II's missile ears, and even the Cyclops' eye (the cockpit was moved to the front of the chest).

My guess was this was done so that the missile boxes wouldn't end up being massive side torso "shoot here" signs. I remember early on with the clan release there were screenshots of small floating boxes on the paperdoll, so PGI may have intended to repeat the missile box extra hit location idea... but they didn't go with that if that was true.

This means the Hellspawn will easily be ST'd out. Don't take an XL!

I'm not buying this anyways due to the hud debacle. I won't be toxic, but I won't be eager to spend money either.

#19 chucklesMuch


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 09:56 PM

Booooooooooooo fun police!! (Colour blind and sound mods)

No intention of buying hellspawn (it ugly).

#20 El Bandito


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:22 PM

I won't be buying the Hellspawn, BUT, not because of PGI's policies.

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