DAYLEET, on 13 September 2017 - 10:21 AM, said:
Tier/weight valving was per player, meaning a T1 might drop instantly but a t3 that had waited a set amount of time(first it was 60s then was lowered to 30s, who knows what are the rules now) will be put with the T1. To reiterate, tiering/weight valving matchmaking isnt per team, its per player. I seriously doubt that weight is separated anymore. Match with 8 assault+heavies on each sides have been the norm for a year(this sucks hard). I dont know what else got ditched in the matchmaking but every 4-6months they have to tell us the MM restriction have been fixed or put back to a more restrictive setting.
No. They may or may not have changed the weight class aspect of matchmaking but I would think that they haven't since there isn't any point.
The matchmaker will always TRY to make a 3/3/3/3 match to start with. However, when the queue times for weight classes reach a certain threshold the matchmaker HAS to change to a different distribution to deal with the fact that people do NOT queue up with a 3/3/3/3 mech distribution ... i.e. 25% of players/weight class. In my experience, the distribution is more like 30% assault, 40% heavy, 20% medium and 10% light. If you FORCE 3/3/3/3 then the 10% lights get instant matches but since 4x as many people are queuing in heavies ... and 3 lights are needed for each match ... then 30% of the heavies will have to wait until another 10% of lights enter the queue (however, by that time the number of heavies waiting will have gone up to 60 since only 10 from each batch entering the queue get a match with the 10 lights). The end result is that the wait for a match in a heavy mech with a forced 3/3/3/3 will very quickly be over an hour or more and will increase indefinitely.
SO ... the matchmaker MUST be able to make up matches that correspond to the distribution of mechs that people actually play ... not some idealized model that doesn't conform to reality. As a result, since players do not conform to 25% of the player base in each weight class, the average match can NOT be 3/3/3/3.
There are three factors in play here ...
1) player skill matching ... now tightened to use a 1 tier spread likely from the player used to seed the match (since that is how the previous matchmaker worked and I don't think PGI has bothered to re-implement the matchmaker ... they have just tweaked the PSR range that can be selected for match making.)
2) weight class matching ... start with 3/3/3/3 and release it the longer it takes to form a match
3) queue times
If you tighten the skill requirement window, you increase queue times. If you don't adjust the release valve times related to the weight class matching then since matches take longer in general to form then fewer of these will be 3/3/3/3. If you do increase the release valve times on the weight class matching then there will be more 3/3/3/3 matches but the queue times will be even longer.