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Ideas To Improve The Player Skill Rating (Psr) - To Make It More Accurate

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#1 Blue Pheonix


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Posted 11 September 2017 - 12:13 PM

Ideas to improve the player skill rating (PSR)

To make it more accurate

So, I have read a lot of complaining on the forums about the current player skill rating system. Multiple comments that are stating it is not accurate. Well, lets give some ideas how we can improve it/make it more accurate

I agree the PSR and Leaderboards need improvement.
1. Damage and kills should not be the only (or strongest) indicators of a strong match score

a. One of my strongest match score mechs currently is my LRM Warhawk where I sit in the back and rarely share armor and lob LRMS

i. I get lots of damage, lots of kills but I am doing so off the back of others work
ii. This needs to change

2. I think the leader boards should be based and sorted on stats, not number of games played

a. I believe there should be a minimum number of games played to register (at least 100)

3. I believe PSR should be dependent on average match score

a. Each players mech will have its own average match score (what player earned on average)

i. This will be averaged together to give an average match score for the weight class

b. All these weight classes together will get an overall average of a players skill

c. The player average match score for the currently played mech will determine who they are paired up against in MM

4. I believe the players match score should have more variables calculated in

a. I believe the following things should be added in

b. I will add more to this original thread when I think of it or if someone suggests something useful

The following things should increase your match score
1. Increase points awarded for targeting as many enemies as possible throughout the match (pressing the “R” button multiple times through match)

a. Pressing R and alerting your teammates of enemies you see is becoming a lost art in MWO

b. In order to avoid this being spammed (making a macro for it) make it so:

i. There is a cooldown period between when that same mech can be targeted

ii. Targeting info has to be brought up on targeted enemy mech before R is pressed again

2. Award points for hitting the weakest part on an enemy mech

a. The more you do it, the more points you get

i. This would be weighted with ballistics earning more points then lasers and lasers more then LRMS

3. Award points for accuracy

a. The more accurate you were with your shots during the match the more points

4. Increase points awarded for “spotting” and holding a target until teamates fire upon target

5. Create an “agro” algorithm

a. If an enemy mech is fired up and he turns to fire at you points are awarded to you

6. Create a “split enemy group” algorithm
a. If a player splits the enemy team so that the enemy teams fire at/goes after him, points are awarded
7. Create a “tanking” algorithm

a. Award points if a mech is receiving incoming fire but successfully spreads the damage

i. The more a player does this, the more points they get
8. Increase points for shooting down enemy UAV
9. Give points to calling out “enemy spotted” in the command wheel

a. To keep this from being spammed, friendly teammates would have to target and fire on this called out mech immediately after

The following things will decrease points off of your match score
1. Not pressing the R button during the match but just shooting mechs
2. Shooting the strongest part of a mech when there is a weakened section
3. Standing under an enemy UAV and not shooting it down after a set period of time
4. Getting more then 50 points of team damage
5. Taking self inflicted damage from disengaging shutdown

a. The more damage you take the more points subtracted

What do you guys think? Please add your suggestions in the comments below. Please keep comments and suggestions brief (preferably bullet/numbered format) if multiple ideas are given

Edited by Blue Pheonix, 11 September 2017 - 12:28 PM.

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