Hey everyone,
Since the his release, I'm experiencing an issue on ANH chassis.
I don't exactly know why but sometimes the full throttle of the mech is locked and only and ALT + TAB resolves it.
I can't reproduce it in the testing ground but i feel that it's when I use the coolshot.
So if anybody has the same problem and know how to fix it, thank you.
And it's not a key binding issue I already checked that.

Annihilator Full Throttle Bug
Started by Vanadium19, Sep 11 2017 01:44 PM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 11 September 2017 - 01:44 PM
Posted 11 September 2017 - 10:50 PM
Sounds for me as if you got an other instance of the keyboard bug where some keys could get stuck, shile turning left or right or as in your casewhile throttling up or down.
Only workaround was going completely fullscreen not only window or maximized window.
But didn't encounter this for ages.
Only workaround was going completely fullscreen not only window or maximized window.
But didn't encounter this for ages.
Posted 07 October 2017 - 06:03 AM
Ok i finally found the reason why sometimes my throttle is blocked.
It happens when i move and when i press at the same moment Left shift + Left control wich are "toggle arms lock" and "free look".
Sometimes in tough fights i need to use free look while shielding and then instantly press on arm locks to make a quick and precise shot.
My question is : Is that an issue of the game or is it linked to a windows (7 for me) shortcut that maybe I can disable ? Thank you very much.
It happens when i move and when i press at the same moment Left shift + Left control wich are "toggle arms lock" and "free look".
Sometimes in tough fights i need to use free look while shielding and then instantly press on arm locks to make a quick and precise shot.
My question is : Is that an issue of the game or is it linked to a windows (7 for me) shortcut that maybe I can disable ? Thank you very much.
Posted 07 October 2017 - 03:11 PM
I do not have this issue and I am a very frequent user of Mouselook. In fact I use it heavily while driving to emulate having a VR headset.
Posted 07 October 2017 - 06:39 PM
couldn't imagine many reasons why one chassis would have more issue than another, because they all load the same code for the HUD and keymap ....
honestly, the left control and shift are kind of a risky combo ... a few windows shortcut keys start with that combo, so it represents some 'risk' .... I'd probably recommend always leaving armlock off, and having a freelook key ... but I understand if your not keen to change what 'works' for you ... personally I dislike armlock, but the mech that I drive the most has no true arms .... anyway ...
your keyboard could have a slight influence aswell, depending on how quickly it reacts and sends a signal upstream ... any potential keyloggers ... and then how quickly the main thread can incorporate your changes to what it was last doing ....
the toggling stuff uses a trigger, which begins after 1/2 second (0.5 in theory assuming no stutter / jitter etc) and then repeats the 'keypress' to the engine every 0.05 seconds until you let go of the key ... if your view snapping area is too close to 1/2 - 2/3's of a second ... yeah, maybe you could catch some issue if your light on CPU cycles for the main thread .... I wouldn't recommend messing with the start point for triggering, that tends to send things weird, and not in a good way ... but you could probably adjust value for how quickly it repeats internally ... I'd think you would probably want to decrease how often it repeats by increasing the cvar value from the default .... you'll probably need to drop into the testing grounds a few times to get the 'feel' for any effect, anyway, in a user.cfg/tuning.cfg enter the value
honestly, the left control and shift are kind of a risky combo ... a few windows shortcut keys start with that combo, so it represents some 'risk' .... I'd probably recommend always leaving armlock off, and having a freelook key ... but I understand if your not keen to change what 'works' for you ... personally I dislike armlock, but the mech that I drive the most has no true arms .... anyway ...
your keyboard could have a slight influence aswell, depending on how quickly it reacts and sends a signal upstream ... any potential keyloggers ... and then how quickly the main thread can incorporate your changes to what it was last doing ....
the toggling stuff uses a trigger, which begins after 1/2 second (0.5 in theory assuming no stutter / jitter etc) and then repeats the 'keypress' to the engine every 0.05 seconds until you let go of the key ... if your view snapping area is too close to 1/2 - 2/3's of a second ... yeah, maybe you could catch some issue if your light on CPU cycles for the main thread .... I wouldn't recommend messing with the start point for triggering, that tends to send things weird, and not in a good way ... but you could probably adjust value for how quickly it repeats internally ... I'd think you would probably want to decrease how often it repeats by increasing the cvar value from the default .... you'll probably need to drop into the testing grounds a few times to get the 'feel' for any effect, anyway, in a user.cfg/tuning.cfg enter the value
gfx_inputevents_triggerrepeat = 0.1.... I'd completely expect this to change how 'text chat' is interpreted by the game aswell, for instance, how quickly backspace removes characters, or how quickly spacebar adds characters in succession ... in terms of the backspace problem, most people haven't recognised how over the top the text box is for how we tend to use it ... for instance home will move the pointer to the start, and end will take it to the end ... shift+home will select everything you've just typed, and yes, that leads you to the next not overly obvious ability, you can cut / copy / paste, with the annoying limitation that MechWarrior doesn't not have access to the 'generalised' windows clipboard, so a line copied within MechWarrior, stays there, but also doesn't overwrite whatever you happen to have in the clipboard, its probably a permissions thing, but I never found a way to trick them into being interlinked .... its almost a pity that it doenst have a 'history' function there aswell,
Posted 08 October 2017 - 01:23 AM
NARC BAIT, on 07 October 2017 - 06:39 PM, said:
couldn't imagine many reasons why one chassis would have more issue than another, because they all load the same code for the HUD and keymap ....
honestly, the left control and shift are kind of a risky combo ... a few windows shortcut keys start with that combo, so it represents some 'risk' .... I'd probably recommend always leaving armlock off, and having a freelook key ... but I understand if your not keen to change what 'works' for you ... personally I dislike armlock, but the mech that I drive the most has no true arms .... anyway ...
honestly, the left control and shift are kind of a risky combo ... a few windows shortcut keys start with that combo, so it represents some 'risk' .... I'd probably recommend always leaving armlock off, and having a freelook key ... but I understand if your not keen to change what 'works' for you ... personally I dislike armlock, but the mech that I drive the most has no true arms .... anyway ...
Sorry I forgot to mention that contrary as the topic says, I found this issue independently of the mech which is logic after all.
The reason of why I noticed it on the annihilator is because when you have 4 ac10 or 6 ac5, shooting without maintaining arm lock is pointless. Of course I disengage it immediately after firing.
BTW thank you for your answer and you're probably right about the fact that i need to change one of my keys =p.
Posted 01 April 2018 - 09:26 AM
I actulally have the same issue for a lot of my mechs: when I press alt+shift (usually when using masc and toggling arm lock at the same time) my mech gets stuck at full throttle (either forward or backwards). I have two languages on my keyboard (alt+shift is the hotkey to switch between them), which might be causing that problem. But when I press alt+shift while my chat is open this bug doesn't appear. Does anyone know how to fix this bug or do we have to tell PGI to fix it?
Posted 01 April 2018 - 09:52 AM
admiralbenbow123, on 01 April 2018 - 09:26 AM, said:
I have two languages on my keyboard (alt+shift is the hotkey to switch between them), which might be causing that problem.
sounds like this is on the money ... cant say I had ever really considered that as a potential cause of this problem ... theres other windows shortcut keys that I was thinking of ... probably the best easiest solution, will be to remap your keys ... some of the default keys are stupid and dont make much sense ... other than their potentials to cause issues ...
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