Looking at the photo, i asked myself "is that really the scale of the urbanmech?". It's probably not, but if it is, i think i can figure out what kind of guns they are actually using.
Of course, i don't think it's canon, this is probably some third-party work. And ACs aren't necessarily one shot, or just burst -- that they can be smaller but would do the same damage per volley instead. But just looking at that thing, assuming that the soldier is two-meters tall, i could estimate that the AC20 used by the Urbanmech is 420mm Caliber, and the cannon closest to it is the Big Bertha Howitzer, but that's too heavy.
The Urbanmech itself is 900p tall, or on the established scale would be roughly 10 meters tall.
The tank on the left side, looks like an M1 Abrams, it's most likely not, and is probably larger, but it's the closest to the M1 Abrams. As with the scale, it looks like it's a 200mm cannon, best i could find is the M115.
As a conclusion, i think mechs are supposed to be far smaller than what they appear to us. Considering the weight of our tanks alone, the M1 Abrams at 60 to 72 tons, yet far smaller than a 30-tonner Urbanmech. Of course it's in the range of the length of the M1 abrams
I understand that BT is fiction and all, although as a gun fanatic, sometimes i do ponder about things. I fantasize a 6-barreled rotary cannon based on the M105mm Howitzer, fantasized about a 50-tonner Urbanmech variant that uses said 6-barreled rotary cannon, that would be an RAC/10.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 13 September 2017 - 03:47 PM.