Cato Phoenix, on 24 September 2017 - 09:18 AM, said:
I keep seeing this over and over again.
Either base rushing on Assault, pile-driving the base on Incursion, or sniping out the VIP in Escort, but cranking down a win in some modes seems to be done quite often.
However, there's absolutely no reason to do this. You (and your teammates) will mark exceptionally low match scores, with pitifully low C-bill rewards to match.
Now people will probably clamor: "But I'm playing the objective!" . I get it. I know what PTFO is, and like winning games, but a win without rewards is essentially meaningless. I'd much rather smash the opposing team and then work the objectives, or do it slowly. Just about the only time to push the objective win, in my opinion, is if you're going to lose by any other circumstances or if its such a close match that you need to make the outcome certain.
And for those stats-centric folk: while a quick win might bump your WLR improve marginally, but really push your match score to the dumps. I don't know - I guess some people care about WLR but it's a pretty meaningless stat to me, given you're often finding yourself in the potato fields in PUGlandia no matter what.
Well, I personally find wins a better stat than match score. The former is real. The latter is just a made up number.
Bombast, on 24 September 2017 - 09:28 AM, said:
it's Reds fault, not yours.
At least this person gets it.
Trissila, on 24 September 2017 - 11:57 AM, said:
MWO is the only game/community I have ever encountered that actively wants to avoid the objective and complains if you attempt to achieve it.
No wonder the playercount is in the dumpster.
Then again, I guess I'm old; I come from an era where progress bars and payouts weren't the 'point' of competitive multiplayer video games, just victory over the opposing team.
And another one who does.
Maybe there really is still hope for humanity.
Edited by Mystere, 24 September 2017 - 08:04 PM.