I don't like starting new topics but here's one, the revival of FP (or an attempt to save what's left of it), I've read post after post of ways to revive this mode and it all falls on deaf ears in the house of PGI, a couple of years ago the wait times were around 10 minutes, new pilots were in abundance, recruiting was like shooting fish in a barrel, we were in our glory days, what we live in now can only be called hell, 40 min to 1 hour wait times, ghost drops are the norm, if you do get a few matches then it's the same teams over and over again, solo and group matches are the same, BORING........
I put to you PGI a simple and elegant solution to the whole problem, bring the FP maps into the realm of Private Matches, we read posts of noobs not being ready for FP, let us train them in PM's, let us get them ready, let us the unit leaders have some control in bringing back to life FP, we don't ask for much just the ability to play the game we love and see it go on for years to come, this one act could turn everything around, while it's not a 100% fix it would certainly stem the blood flow and instead of PGI copping a beating you would receive some much needed support from us the players, your bread and butter on your tables customers.
Drop the whole cost to recruit idea or at least reduce the cost to recruit as well, that will help smaller units get on their feet and start competing.
For solo and group drops bring back the game mode selection drop box, let us fight the modes we enjoy, the game stats tab at the moment is totally a page filler and not worth a damn, give us some options here PGI, MS maybe involved in this game in some way but that does not mean you have to act like them and deny us all free choice on how we play.
Bring the players back into the game to play the game and enjoy the game, maybe the forums will then begin to fill with accolades and applause for you instead of the criticism's you are currently experiencing.

Faction Play Revival
Started by KHAN ATTAKHAN, Sep 24 2017 06:53 PM
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