Would love to play the following scenario;
A spy aerotech (quite small and fast) was downed somewhere on this map... It contains sensitive data (or a rich princess whatever)...
SAR team: You must
1) locate the aerotech (it's small and somewhat buried due to the crash)
2) Download the data (rescue the princess whatever) by standing next to it for a solid minute
3) Escape to the extraction point with the data (princess) (same as carrying a fuel cell)
The extraction point won't be known till after download is completed. Smoke goes up, like in the FP Intel missions
Seek and Destroy team you must
Destroy the Aerotech before the data is downloaded
Destroy the mech carrying the data
Prevent Extraction by killing entire team or delaying till timeout.
As well as not get annihilated wholesale of course.
Obviously the target and extraction locations would be different each time. Also the aerotech wouldn't have a great big flashing icon above it, just a tiny wisp of smoke, genuine searching required (not visible on radar or battle map). Due to its crash it would also be behind dirt walls (to prevent sniping). I think this would be a fun game to play for both teams, and would also encourage good scouting and cooperation, even tactical team play to protect and smuggle the data carrier out (a bit of escort but at least there's one of ours piloting the damn thing.
Sound like fun? Suggest anything
PS cause I'm a forum noob I accidentally posted this under "event suggestions" yesterday my bad.
New Game Mode Suggestion; Search And Rescue Vs Seek And Destroy
Started by Jonesy1103, Sep 29 2017 12:00 AM
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