Please Suggest A Good Lrm Mech
Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:24 AM
Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:26 AM
DONALD KERENSKY TRUMP, on 29 September 2017 - 08:24 AM, said:
Always do the math before starting a thread. I learned that when I did a 'What Hero?' thread for the last sale and I couldn't even afford half the mechs I was asking about.
Edited by Bombast, 29 September 2017 - 08:27 AM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:35 AM
Bombast, on 29 September 2017 - 08:26 AM, said:
Always do the math before starting a thread. I learned that when I did a 'What Hero?' thread for the last sale and I couldn't even afford half the mechs I was asking about.
thanks would not hurt to ask and save cbills for it
Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:38 AM
DONALD KERENSKY TRUMP, on 29 September 2017 - 08:35 AM, said:
thanks would not hurt to ask and save cbills for it
Always remember, and dont ever forget...
Inner sphere mech prices are misleading. Sure you can buy a catapult for 4 million, instead of that 10 million for a vulture... but god forbid you try to drop in it without upgrading it.
After upgrades, an IS mech may cost you MORE than a clan omni mech.
Just recently bought a Zues on sale... when I finally had some c-bill to upgrade it, it cost me 8.5 million to set the thing up. Ridiculous.
Edited by HauptmanT, 29 September 2017 - 08:39 AM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:50 AM
HauptmanT, on 29 September 2017 - 08:38 AM, said:
The Catapult is particularly bad about it. With the exception of the Jester (Endo and DHS stock), they're all 100% Succession Wars era.
It's enough to wish the Annual Hostage Program wasn't a thing, and they'd just release one or two Post-Helm Memory Core variants for all the pre-Clan release mechs we have. Pretty sure they all have at least one. The Catapult could get the CPLT-C4C (3055, XL and DHS), or if they feel frisky and want to go old, OLD tech, the CPLT-C1b (2688, DHS, Ferro).
Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:54 AM
Arend, on 29 September 2017 - 12:20 AM, said:
This should be the correct answer. Such as Trebuchet or Storm Crow. And maybe in 2014 it was correct. However....
XDevilsChariotX, on 29 September 2017 - 12:49 AM, said:
Due to many LRM nerfs since January 16th 2015. This Supernova is now the correct answer. You could split the difference and take a Mad Cat or Mad Dog. Warhammer or Orion are also good.
However, in the Heavy class the best LRM mech will be the Thanatos, and you know I am right.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM
1. Before each match, use voip or just use all-chat to type ..."lrm boat here, please hold locks." You have seen other players do this by now....they do it because it works.
2. Stay safely behind the main body of your team. You don't want to get to far forward as you won't have many (or any) direct fire weapons to engage with and you need to stay alive as longer than your direct-fire teammates as you are probably the best hope to pull out a close match for your team.
3. Stay reasonably close to your team though. An enemy light will come up to engage you at some point...this is when you will need your teammates help or you will die. You can let them know to keep an eye on you for this purpose in before the game starts and yell for help if they let you down and you get engaged. They will come running if they are smart. If not, you wouldn't be the first lrm pilot to let there team know how to improve their game.
4. No need to bring tag in 12 v 12 matches. Your teammates can get locks and if you have a tag, you will have to expose yourself to enemy fire to use it. Plus this frees up for tonnage for ammo.
5. The longer you can stay a 90%+ health the better. So, again stay as safe as you can and don't try to save teammates if it might endanger yourself. It will pay off in the end and your teammates will then understand what you were doing.
Hope this helps the lrm lovers here
Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:27 AM
Edited by Leif Heggland, 29 September 2017 - 09:29 AM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:57 AM
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with this nonsense in anyway. Those are the exact reasons why there is such a strong Anti-LRM culture in the game right now.
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
Warning your team you're in an LRM boat isn’t a bad idea, but DO NOT rely on your team mates for target locks. It is the most common rookie mistake made and it’s one of the main reasons LRMs are seen as ineffective as they are. “Holding Locks” doesn’t take into account LOS, terrain, distance or your precious teammates who are trying to leg hump the “locked Target” for the kill.
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
Another reason LRM carriers are disdained. No, DO NOT stay safely behind the main body… EVER! Get your butt up into the main group and stay there. Why? Firstly, safety in numbers. Who is a Meta-whale most likely to gun down? The LRM15 Catapult or the Meta-Whale you’re standing next too? Secondly, when you are fired upon, its that much less damage your front liners are taking and therefore YOU ARE SHARING ARMOR! Also, being up in the mix allows you to find your own targets. LRMs have a max range of 1000m but a minimum of 180……. THAT’S AN 820M RANGE WINDOW!!! You are just as effective at 300m then you are at 950m with the added bonus of being able to see that big towering piece of building in between you and the “locked target”….. see where I’m going with this?
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
Seriously? “they will come running if they are smart”?? No…no they won’t. Unless you are part of a group playing together with voice comms outside of game… youre on your own there buddy. Rarely ANYONE will come to a distress call for an LRM carrier because they are doing exactly what this guy is f’ing describing! Yes watch for lights… they are coming for you. Also, see my above response to staying with the group. Stay in the group! That little Cheetah wont come sniffing when you are cockpit deep between Bravo and Charlie lance.
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
ALWAYS carry your own TAG… ALWAYS. First off, if you are in a 12 man pre-made, then there is a specific reason you are dropping in a LRM boat and yes you may have a designated spotter. If you are PUGing a 12v12, then don’t think for an instant anyone has giving the TAG a second thought. The only sure shot you have as an LRM boat is on a target you can see and TAG for yourself. Your little Raven buddy on your team with the TAG and NARC isn’t worth a **** when his is running for his life from a Timber Wolf and is completely worthless when he is dog food. Leaving you without a TAGer. Bring and use your own.
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
…… So when you’re 90% armor, completely out of ammo and weaponless….. you what? Headbutt the Reds to death? No… you die to the jeering, angry, LRM hating rage of the other 23 players because your team sees you as being a waste of tonnage and the opposing team because they had to chase your worthless butt down because you were trying to hide. SHARE YOUR ARMOR! This goes hand in hand with the above response of STAYING WITH THE GROUP! A good LRM boat is a limping, smoking, sparking mass of twist venom and hate that refuses to run away just because the other guy has a bigger gun. Share your armor, take your hits like a real Mechwarrior because you’re useless if you’re alone at (0% health and no ammo. The point is to end the game before you empty your load.
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 08:56 AM, said:
No its a good example of what not to do though. On the other hand, THIS will be of help to new LRM players out there.
Laws of the LRM:
1.Thou shall Lock his own targets and not rely on the work of others nor shall they cry about lack of targets.
2.Thou shall NEVER fire at unseen targets over 600m away. Await a closer target or see Law # 1
3.Thou shalt not accuse teammates of “Not holding locks” unless fully aware of frontline, ECM, and environmental conditions. See Law #1.
4.Thou shall stay among and walk with the main force at all times.
5.Thou shall carry and use your own TAG. Thou shall also use TAG in support of his team to expose enemy ECM units at range.
6.Thou Shall SHARE HIS ARMOR with his brothers in arms and not hide like a coward 1000m away from the frontline or aimlessly firing missiles into the side of a mountain.
7.Thou shall carry backup weapons, be it the smallest machine gun to a laser of might. He shall not be left useless in the event of complete ammo expenditure or directly attacked by an enemy.
9.Thou shalt only use chassis specifically designated as an LRM chassis for LRM Boating. See Law #8
10.Thou shall obey these laws until ones dying days or retirement from the LRM playstyle. See Law #1
As a Founder who cut his teeth with his Catapult-C1(F), I bestow these Laws of the LRM upon thee to darken the skies of thy enemies and crater the land on which they encroach.
Edited by Darrious Quinn, 29 September 2017 - 10:10 AM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 10:16 AM
Darrious Quinn, on 29 September 2017 - 09:57 AM, said:
Exactly...this thread "triggered me"...so what I wrote was satire....basically a laundry list of every wrong thing that gets commonly done by lrm boat pilots who don't know what they are doing. So, gotcha...
Seriously, I thought what I wrote was so stereotypically absurd (every bad stereotype of lrm carrying potatoes rolled into one list of "do's") that it would be seen as satire....but nice response....Your laws are worth hanging onto so you can cut and paste them into the next inevitable "lrms thread". Good stuff
Edited by Marquis De Lafayette, 29 September 2017 - 10:19 AM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 11:54 AM
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 10:16 AM, said:
Exactly...this thread "triggered me" ...so what I wrote was satire....basically a laundry list of every wrong thing that gets commonly done by lrm boat pilots who don't know what they are doing. So, gotcha...
Seriously, I thought what I wrote was so stereotypically absurd (every bad stereotype of lrm carrying potatoes rolled into one list of "do's") that it would be seen as satire....but nice response....Your laws are worth hanging onto so you can cut and paste them into the next inevitable "lrms thread". Good stuff
Why you little, dirty... Clanner!
Yea.. I took you as serious and went and spun myself up in the process HAH! Well played sir, well played

Edited by Darrious Quinn, 29 September 2017 - 11:55 AM.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 11:59 AM
Arend, on 29 September 2017 - 12:20 AM, said:
This here is the trick to using LRMs at higher tiers,you have two choices.
Go big with team support (group queue with a team that will keep you covered and get locks)
Go mobile.
In the solo queue there are many reasons not to take a large LRM platform.
Your team has an expectation of having it's assaults and heavies on the front "sharing armor" no sane player expects a light or medium to do any significant "tanking". So while there is an expectation that an heavy or assault mech should be contributing armor there is no such expectation of lights and mediums.
There are several modes and maps and combinations of mode/map that screw LRMs pretty hard. Incursion and Escort both include global super ECM that is effectivley uncounterable. And there are maps where LRMs are easily negated like River City,Mining Collective,Crimson Straight,HPG manifold and even Veridian Bog.
On these maps/modes it's not difficult to find your LRMs under performing. So if you get stuck in a highly unfavorable situation it's far better off for your team to have a light or medium failing to pull it's weight than a heavy or assault mech under performing.
Then there are these little advantages...
Being small and mobile allows for an LRM support mech to get into firing possition and lob off a few vollies and then get out of harm's way. Something that would be improbable if not impossible for an assault mech. The smaller and faster your mech is the more able you are to be where you need to be and when you need to be there. This means you need less help in gaining locks from team mates and are more able to get your own locks freeing up your team mate's attention to suit their personal needs.
And of course there is looking less threatening. When the enemy is presented with a choice in targets let's say an Annihilator or a Kintaro who do you think is getting targeted? This frees your support mech to actually support your team by trying to put some hits on the guys shooting your annihilator and hopefully screw their aim up enough or get them rattled enough that you don't loose your Assaulti mech.
For the record the LRM platform I deploy the most is a Cougar.
It has a TAG ECM 2 heavy medium lasers and 2 LRM15s with 5.5 tons ammo.
With this little gem I can ussually place in the top three of my team in damage and/or match score so it also gets you paid (mine in particular because it's built on a Blood Adder core for the hero mech bonus)
Posted 29 September 2017 - 12:22 PM
Darrious Quinn, on 29 September 2017 - 11:54 AM, said:
Why you little, dirty... Clanner!
Yea.. I took you as serious and went and spun myself up in the process HAH! Well played sir, well played

Lrm threads beg for satire man...I can't lay off....there are so many bad players doing all this stuff (and more) it's hard for me to not want to tie a bow on it all...put it in one post. . and then just toss that satire molotov cocktail in the dumpster (thread) just to see what happens ...I felt kinda bad that I wasted your time by triggering you though...
Posted 29 September 2017 - 01:34 PM
Please don't put lurms on a griffin 2n, it's way too good with 4srm6.
Also, the hunchback 4j is waaay better if you put mrms on it instead of lrms.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 01:40 PM
Marquis De Lafayette, on 29 September 2017 - 12:22 PM, said:
Lrm threads beg for satire man...I can't lay off....there are so many bad players doing all this stuff (and more) it's hard for me to not want to tie a bow on it all...put it in one post. . and then just toss that satire molotov cocktail in the dumpster (thread) just to see what happens ...I felt kinda bad that I wasted your time by triggering you though...
Sir your article was a well written peace of nonsense that runs a fine line between comidy and tragedy. You most certainly should feel badly, firstly for those who are not able to recognize this well presented idiocy for what it is and secondly for the people who must do damage control and write a response to this tragically bad advise.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 01:51 PM
MischiefSC, on 29 September 2017 - 07:00 AM, said:
As someone who's biggest fault as a player is stupidly charging, using LRMs taught me a fair amount about how to stay in cover and poke with lasers. Not that I don't still stupidly charge in.
Posted 29 September 2017 - 01:52 PM
Lykaon, on 29 September 2017 - 11:59 AM, said:
If you are in a medium skirmish mech especially LRMs you should be ahead of your assults drawing fire and annoying the other team while your guys are trying to get where they are going. What i used to do anyway, if your in a medium mech better learn to dodge. If you got JJ there is no excuse to be taking serious hits at range. Everybody thats shooting at you isnt bothering that other guy with a AC or whatever whos trying to get into position.
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