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What The Hell Pgi......

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#1 PanzerSmurf


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Posted 03 October 2017 - 02:05 AM

WARNING : Unrespectful tone is used since this entire game has become one giant "f you" to any long term players and people who are invested / familiar with BattleTech lore. So I am simply treating others as they are treating me.

Came back after a while, saw game released on Steam, thought "well they must have finally added the additional content needed for this game to be released, hope it will be more satisfying than the skill tree change that I didn't like"......

Found :
  • More dumbing down
  • Same content
  • Some content actually removed because quirks got removed
  • Tree skill already made some mech variants useless, quirck removal made a lot more useless.... I now get to sell 2/3 of my mechs because they simply aren't worth anything anymore (why the hell would I want anything else than the ECM model Cicada model or Griffin)
Basically.... All the grinding I did, which I actually had fun in btw but for a eventual goal of maxing certain types of Mechs where basically now a waste of time. I came to this game because it wasn't a generic F2P shooter style game.......

In fact all the time I have been gone seems to have gone into dumbingdown and stream lining the game to cater to the over-saturated market of 14 year old kids that want their random slot machine shooters.

So basically this is just one giant slap in my face, "thank you for investing your time, but screw you!" and for what ? Game play has now become the basic garbage of any free online Shooter except you do it in big robots...... Mech varients barely matter anymore...... And the population limit has plummeted.

PGI... please sell the game and stop working on Mechwarrior 5, clearly you only care about the money and think you can compete in a market that you need to excel in to even be noticed (and you are average on best in this). It's just going to be mediocre garbage. PGI, your unable to realize that you could make more money by a focusing on a selective market which knows far less competition and cared about your actual product instead of the money that it brings, you deserve to go bankrupt. Proven by the very words of your lead dev which pretty much threatened the player base it seems to "buy his stuff or he'd cancel the game", really ? threatening your customer ? have your really become so delusional that you forget the most basic rules of the economy like "the customer decides what he wants to spend money on", you know, like a QUALITY PRODUCT. And if you think other wise, you will not get my money. PERIOD.

And before you kill a franchise that many of us love, please piss off, I do not want my last memories of Mechwarrior games to be this cancerous just because a few people decided profits come before everything else. Just sell the game to CD project red or something, you know one of the few devs that gives a damn about their product and go make some other generic type shooter without damaging the image of a franchise bigger than yourself.

Ugh this modern approach to the customer of "**** the product, i'll just market the **** out of it to sell it" instead of "i'll provide a quality product people will gladly pay for" is really getting out of hand.... sadly MWO isn't the only game suffering from the mad delusions of their developers that think they know better than their own customer what they want......

And on the shitlist of "never buy a game from these devs" you go PGI, here's a feature suggestion for you, a different mentality.

PS. Whoever thought it was a good idea to add considerable heat to ballistics + equalizing ballistic damage vs laser damage and basically ******** all over established lore and universe rules...... Go kill yourself....... Because that just shows a total lack of respect for the source material and shows the depths of your greed. If you want to put a franchise name in your game title, you have to respect that franchise, hence why you people should piss off and just make your own generic unrelated mechwarrior f2p shooter game.

Edited by PanzerSmurf, 03 October 2017 - 02:28 AM.

#2 Livaria


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Posted 03 October 2017 - 04:12 AM

You really need to put some examples. Your context is really lacking for your listed problems that you found. Otherwise, I'm just going to dismiss this.

#3 Athom83


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Posted 03 October 2017 - 08:43 AM

1) The reason you are percieving a big "F U" is because they are not tailoring the game to your specific tastes. They can't as they need to tailor it to the widest audience possible to you know, have players buying their game so they can continue working as a company.

2) Please explain how they "dumbed it down". This game is still quite complicated to newer people, and you need a game to be not astronomically complicated so those newer people to stay.
2.5) If you want complicated games with a sci-fi setting, here you go; http://aurora2.pentarch.org/

3) I call new maps, new mechs, new equipment, new features, new systems, and new social options new content. What do you call "new content"?

4) Um... please explain how they removed content by fixing balance to the point where a good chunk of quirks became unneeded?

5) Even with the skill system, those other variants do play quite differently from one another. And you can use different skill setups in those different variants to even further differentiate them. Yes, some mechs/variants lost a spotlight due to shifts in balance and meta, yet there is barely anything that is "completely useless" as some people just play things differently than others.

6) And all that progress through grinding still sticks with you... how is this a problem?

7) How is streamlining your game to make it more accessible to more people a bad thing for a company or the players? Why is this a problem to you!?!?! WTF!

8) So you expected them to cater their product to you despite your own admittance you didn't play in a really long time... again wtf.

9) If this FREE game isn't to your liking, then fine stop playing. If a game is made by a company you don't like and you don't want to buy, fine don't buy it. But outright saying that they should go bankrupt and lose everything just because they went a certain direction that didn't cater directly to your own (very poor) personal tastes is just outright stupidity.

10) "If you don't buy our products we will not have enough money to continue production and may have to cancel the game" is very different from "Buy my stuff or I cancel game".

11) Question; How fine is your memory of mechwarrior? Can you honestly say that you enjoyed doing nothing but finding exploits in single player games to completely annihilate everything else yet don't enjoy a multiplayer game in the same universe that has enjoyable game play and has semblance of balance? Seriously.

To tell the truth, I found about the BT universe through MechAssault. I didn't even know that it was a larger universe until much later. Even going on to play the older Mechwarrior games, I didn't enjoy them as much as I did MechAssault (*gasps* shocking aint it?). Now, MWO on the other hand; I really enjoy. Why? Because it captured that intensity of action that MechAssault had while still providing a thinking man's game where I had to formulate tactics and strategies larger than "How many and what kind of lasers should I put on my mech" and "Which assault mechs should I drop with to completely annihilate any opposing force that I may encounter".

Where was I? 12) Actually, they aren't marketing MWO that much. When was the last time you've ever seen an advertisement anywhere for MWO?

13) I think in this specific situation, I think they do know what is best for the game over the customer.

14) They actually have changed their mentality significantly in the past year or two. Just because you can't recognize anything beyond "but ma feelinz" doesn't mean they haven't.

15) And care to give an example how they increased Ballistic heat compared to Lasers? Yes in previous mechwarrior titles, they were far cooler than lasers. However, MWO is doing something called FOLLOWING THE SOURCE MATERIAL where ballistics are actually a bit warm. Yes, they aren't perfectly copy and pasting everything as they need to adjust for balance to fit their game, yet they are doing a much better job at resembling TT stats than previous MechWarrior titles.

16) And why are you liking your own post? Narcissistic much?

Edit; 17) And wtf are you doing telling everyone how the game should be and how balance is when you haven't even played since season 12, and even then you barely played (and did so poorly).

18) And also wtf do you mean by "found it released on Steam, hope it changed since skill tree" when its been out on Steam since December of 2015.

Edited by Athom83, 03 October 2017 - 08:50 AM.

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