Black Lanner win odds have officially dropped to 4%. Bummer.
Still some autowins left!
This battlemech is actually of Inner Sphere origin, being designed and developed in the Jade Falcon's invasion corridor in 3065. Weighting in at 45 tons with all energy loadouts and capable of running 86km/h, the Pinion operates in the normal 'Medium mech' space, rather than working as a super-light like many 45 tonners. Used as a test bed for heavy lasers, and jump capable.
The Ursus was the first Clan battlemech produced in the Inner Sphere. It uses Inner Sphere technology when possible - Namely the Standard Engine and Structure, items that are shared without distinction between the two tech bases. It's standard configuration boasts multiple laser and missile systems, with an ECM and significant armor protection to allow it to weather enemy return fire. The Ursus is fairly slow for it's tonnage, being propelled at 65km/h by a 200 rated engine, but it has a plethora of weapons to compensate.
Clint IIC
A clan redesign of the original Clint, the Clint IIC remains remarkably faithful to the original. Weighting in at 40 tons, capable of running 97km/h and jumping, with a virtually identical (Though more advanced) weapon profile, the two mechs are virtual indistinguishable - The difference only becomes apparent with time, as the Clint IIC's superior armor protection and more potent autocannon allow it to operate for longer in the field. The standard Clint IIC carries a single autocannon backed up with lasers, though all energy variants exist. It is one of the few remaining Clan mechs that use single heat sinks.
An obsolete battlemech from the early days of clan technology, the Corvis is rarely seen outside of Hell's Horses units. The mech is a precursor to both the Stormcrow, it's direct decedent, and omnimechs in general, as it shares the same modular weapon system the Mercury, mother of all omnimechs, uses. The Corvis is jump capable, but consider slow for its tonnage (40 tons) as it can only run 65km/h. The Corvis uses a mixture of ballistic and energy based weaponry and has excellent armor coverage for its tonnage.
Mercury II
Designed in 2823, this direct upgrade of the Mercury actually uses Star League technology rather than clan tech. Weighting 40 tons, the Mercury II moves an impressive 119km/h and is jump capable, making it a very mobile chassis. An all energy loadout allows it to operate without ammo concerns, and a full electronics package, including both BAP and ECM, allow it to scout as effectively as a light mech.
Edited by Bombast, 25 October 2017 - 07:48 PM.