Teer Kerensky, on 03 October 2017 - 03:01 PM, said:
So yeah, MM is not perfect. Yeah stomps happen. We all know that, sure.
But I think there's something strange going on. These are my last 12 games, after looking at the really low damage numbers of the enemy team I stated to check back and that's nearly constantly happening.
And these are all in row, except one of the games I didn't have a screenshot. So 12 games, 11 screenshots. It ended maybe 12:9 with our last guys really beat up.
That doens't seem normal, to have such a row of stomps. I would not definetly be surprised if PGI annouced few days later that they've again made some changes to MM. I've never had this kind of row of mostly stops. Some of those were a bit more fair, but way too many stomps.
In all honesty, I think it's probably coincidence. I've had runs like that in the past too.
Turn the problem on it's head a little, and imagine if you were coding the MM, and tried to design it to single someone out and produce a run of losses like that - or to behave nefariously in any way at all. The amount of effort it would be pretty staggering - effort that would be far more likely to be spent actually improving the MM.
It's easy to blame the MM for MWO's woes, but I don't think it deserves the hate it gets plastered with. While it could be (lots) better, I think the answers aren't nearly as simple as everyone seems to claim they are, yet there's bandwagons everywhere full of people claiming the MM is responsible for all their ills, and that fixes would be easy.

There's a whole lot that goes on in your average match that the MM has little control over, and there's warehouses full of of variables influencing the outcome of a match before the first mech gets it's metal boots on the ground. I'm struggling to think of any other shooter with as many moving parts as MWO. The speed of your mech, the position you start in, the mind numbing number of weapon and loadout combinations available... i'd hate to try and match all that coherently between two teams.
Even the server you play on has an influence; I find EU players to be more cautious and great in defence, whereas those on the NA servers are noticeably more aggressive and excel at pushes (except when they don't). In fact, some of my worst fights are those parts of the day where timezones align and teams are mixed with them - the differing playstyles don't seem to work well together at all.
I think the biggest step towards improving the MM would be the hardest; by scoring and grading loadouts. A BV system would be a good start, but flat rates for equipment and mechs (like in TT) would not work at all, IMHO, as mechs in MWO are deadly because of the
combinations of weapons they carry. Teams are deadly because of the combinations of mechs they have.
Coding that would be a nightmare. Having to change it as meta emerges would be a nightmare. Having to change it after balance adjustments would be a nightmare you could never wake up from. And even if they do manage to get all that sorted, I don't think it would have the effect people think it would.