Just one example laser changes:
[color="#3073f3"]"While we are not looking to tune the overall damage output of these weapons at this time, we are looking to bring down the overall DPS that can be provided by these weapons depending on the weapon type, with ER Medium Lasers getting the largest reduction in DPS, and Medium Pulse Lasers getting the smallest reduction as a result of their additional tonnage commitment compared to their standard counterpart."[/color]
No you won`t bring down DPS cause Clan alphas anyway and the heat is the limiting factor not the cooldown while in cover. IS is nerfed big cause not so high alphas so they needed to dps to take advantage of the lesser heat per alpha. Why specificly nerf IS and mechs that can`t boat lots of lasers for big alphas? Not that IS is performing well in any comparison to clan. Ok you nerf coolshots a tiny bit but only for 2 sec difference which is nothing.
Fun fact: CER-ML have a longer cooldown and CM-PULS almost the same like CER-LL?
So plz devs explain to us:
1. Why does IS needs that massiv nerf?
2. Why the changes that nobody ask for like missles etc. when there are so many changes like airstrikes that a lot of players do ask for?
3. Quirk reductions when IS mechs are absolutly underperforming in real gameplay or quirk buffs to mechs that change non of their problems why they are underperforming (no clue how your data looks like that you can`t see the gigantic imbalance elephant in the room)
After the design of the first two events with the new event system i suspected that the event staff never played their own game. Now with this patchnotes i suspect that who ever did the rebalance does not understand the game at all or is completely dishonest concerning the real goals he wants to achieve with these changes.
PLZ enlighten us Devs!
Edited by Tiewolf, 15 October 2017 - 12:49 PM.