The Lighthouse, on 15 October 2017 - 10:27 AM, said:
I understand about being artworks or something, but does it really need these gigantic side torsos?
It's really, really ugly, even before we are discussing about mech balance. If these boxes had slight slopes like in artwork instead of straight like we have now, the mech would be far more well-shaped.
Seriously, with exception of arctic wolf, all other three mechs are just plain awful.
Just like Civil War package which both Mad Cat IIC and Uziel suffer animation quality, these 4-mechs per month package really did terrible influence in mechs' quality.
And oh please, fix Uziel's walking animations already.
Honestly, while the STs are rather pronounced, they will be smaller targets than that of the Summoner, Warhammer or Cataphract, as the Nova Cat is mostly CT. CT that can be effectively shielded with those perfect-height-for-shielding arms. Shame they contain most of the weapons.
I didn't notice the lesser slope until you mentioned it, but I think I'd rather have the shoulders lower than the top of my head, never mind my cockpit (Uziel says "Hi!").
I'm pretty happy with how the Nova Cat turned put, but yes the Arctic Wolf is easily the best 'mech of the bunch.
This is why I voted for a return to the 1 'mech-a-month pack model, since the quality drop has been noticeable.
Yes, please fix the Uziel's walking animation.