I've noticed that the NightStar has the same issue as many mechs before in that the baseline animation going at slow speeds looks good, which is why the standing items look decent - it makes measured, short steps. At full speed, it looks hilarious.
The problem seems to be that PGI either does not want to or does not know how to make the animations scale with speed. The real issue I see is that the size of the stride never changes. I think that if MW4 did one thing right, it was believable, natural-looking walking animations. In MWO, the animation is the same, just sped up, which makes no sense.
90-100 ton mechs like NightStar and King Crab should not waddle, they are extremely heavy masses of material shoving their mass around, they should have a smooth feeling of inertia and weight. They shake like 30 ton lights with almost vertical steps, almost no forward leg motion, so lots of fast, very small steps, which I imagine is an engineering nightmare, I can't imagine there being such robust materials and joints, even in Battletech.
I think that MWO would be a MUCH better game if the mechs looked like giant war machines rather than toys wobbling around, because it's a shame that the mech design and art is undeniably fantastic. Perhaps PGI is trying to avoid too much vertical torso movement for hit detection reasons? The Cicada has well scaled animations, for example.

Nightstar Walking Animations
Started by MrEdweird, Oct 17 2017 03:31 AM
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