Jman5, on 28 October 2017 - 07:56 AM, said:
Yeah, there is this frustrating tendency to over emphasize builds and balance. It matters to an extent at the very tip-top level or if you're building mechs really badly, or if you're looking at it from a population point of view where variables even out, but otherwise there are so many more important things that players should be focusing on.
It reminds me of when I played Starcraft 2. People at low levels would rant and rave about how they were being beat by some OP strategy or race. However, when you watched their replays, it was riddled with mistakes and sloppiness. If they had just cleaned up their play, they would slaughter 99% of the guys that were playing the "OP strategy". Does it mean they were wrong? Maybe, maybe not. But there is so much you can do when there are huge inefficiencies and mistakes in everyone's play.
I think people would be better off if they just told themselves the game is balanced and that the rest is up to them. It's a much more productive state of mind.
There is imbalance in this game for sure.
The real problem however, similar to the complaints in CW/FP is that people aren't carrying their own weight in matches... whether it be 1:1 W-L ratios or even 1:1 K-D ratios or even just putting up the bare minimum of damage (150 to 200)... the kinds of complaints made that I see often are from those that honestly don't hold their own. Some people overfocus on things that don't matter (like squirrel chasing or wandering off solo) vs the things that do matter (focus fire, moving as a group,
finishing off targets/components). So, this is why you get what you get statswise. This is so much less about aim (it matters at higher levels for sure) than it is basic team concepts that more often than not are not executed or executed poorly. That's the difference between those that do the things (usually comp players, but also people that have a clue) vs those that don't.
It is what it is.