Bohxim, on 31 October 2017 - 02:33 AM, said:
To add on OP;
Most times it's about learning the trend and improving your game (aiming, positioning and comms). When I first hit tier 3, it was a nightmare for me. Almost every game I went in, I got stomped so hard. Then I joined a unit who had some comp players and they gave me some tips. From there it became more obvious to me. I started noticing most times I bring lrm, I'm afraid to push to the front because I can't retaliate as well as a direct fire and I'm also reliant on locks (back when radar derp was dominant). Then I found certain mechs played better at certain styles (Ie hill hump, side peek, marauder wiggle on bird mechs, full twisting on human mechs etc) then I learnt synergy and styles for weapons (lpl erml mix for peek and cool, uac5 10s for kill zones etc). Then I found weapons that seem to click with me (FYI, I really favour the ac and uac2 calibre weapons because it allows me range trades while giving me sustain at a shorter range). Finally I learnt team play styles (some teams like to really murder ball everyone, some like delegation of roles. I was lucky to be able to play with both types)
All these, bit by bit, added up to improving my game that helped me eventually climb to tier 1 and still maintain a somewhat consistent and decent average. All these will eventually reflect in your tier ranking to course, but it will help you feel more at home as you climb the ranks. Hope this helps mate
The thing is, when I first hit Tier 1, I wasn't having this issue, not at all. It isn't until they tightened up the match maker so Tier 1 only sees Tier 2 at most that I started having the issue. Also I have been playing since closed beta and I usually score in the top 25 in every leaderboard event that I have ever participated it. Point is, I know I am not a bad pilot and in fact think I am pretty good but recently it just often feels like I am getting "outplayed" quite often by other players as opposed to before the MM was tightened up, where I often found myself being the better pilot. It just kind of feels like I am a like a college basketball player who did fairly well in College but now that I am trying to play in the NBA, I am a 2nd or 3rd string player at best trying to complete against Michael Jordan.
Or as I said, the MM is just trolling me cause wow sometimes it just seems like the majority of my teams are doing really dumb things. However, again I hadve to ask, is it my team doing dumb things or are they just playing differently and I am not adjusting to the differences of playing at the top levels? I don't know what it is but I keep having the moments of "Wait, where did my team go?" or "why am I taking fire in the rear, isn't anyone on the team covering the flanks?" or "Wait? weren't we just pushing this flank? Why did everyone sudden go running off in the other direction?" usually followed by my mech getting shot out from under me. Usually my team gets stomped a few minutes later but this has happened enough times where my team won easily that I wonder if I wasn't just doing something wrong.
Edited by Viktor Drake, 01 November 2017 - 09:33 AM.