Vellron2005, on 02 November 2017 - 03:49 AM, said:
Yeah.. sorry, but NO.
Sadly, this game is made in such a way that boating is the ONLY option for some mechs.. Some mechs have varied hardpoints, but what's saaaay, a Nova gonna do? Or a Mad Dog? Or an Executioner?
Even if you just make it so you have peanalites for boating the exact same, like 2 x LRM10s, and not punish 1 LRM 5 + 1 LRM15, you're still gonna make mechs asymmetric, which will piss many people off (me first, I hate asymmetric mechs), and it will mess with cooldown times..
So yeah.. sorry, this game just isn't made that way..
Its not meant to stop boating alltogether, its just meant to handicap mix builds and mechs with really bad hardpoint combos or hardpoint starved.