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Black Lanner Pre-Order Is Here!

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#121 blackcatf


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 01:05 PM

Is there a fluff piece coming soon? I've enjoyed the short narrative write-ups for previous new 'mech packs and was curious what the one for the Black Lanner was going to say.

For example:
Hellspawn: https://mwomercs.com...hellspawn-lore/
Thanatos: https://mwomercs.com...-thanatos-lore/

[edit: Come to think of it, I am not sure I saw a lore post for the Piranha, either...]

Edited by blackcatf, 04 November 2017 - 01:09 PM.

#122 Hawk819


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 03:36 PM

View PostWildstreak, on 03 November 2017 - 04:59 AM, said:

9E + ECM.

Goodbye Stormcrow except for maybe Splatcrow.

Also expect someone to put 3 ERLLs on this and snipe from range. Posted Image

Count on it!

Boreal Vault + 12 Black Lanner's on top of each Hill and both gates thoroughly covered = Not a Snowball's Chance with a Prayer in Hell of getting inside the dang map!

#123 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 05:00 PM

View PostSuvara, on 04 November 2017 - 12:53 PM, said:

This mech is broken :|

Put heavy lasers on it. 60-80 pinpoint alpha with ecm and decent speed. just saying.

Burn duration. Good luck both moving and shooting accurately with those things.

Just saying.

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 04 November 2017 - 05:01 PM.

#124 Omaha


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 01:09 AM

Darn, and I really wanted that Stooping Hawk. Maybe someYear!

#125 Wildstreak


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 08:35 AM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 03 November 2017 - 06:39 AM, said:

Explain the niche.

Nothing niche about it.

You've been here long enough to see more than negatives so either you are missing the positives or being willfully blind for some reason.

#126 Haazheel IIC


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 01:01 PM

Nice, i ll preorder!

#127 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 05 November 2017 - 05:58 PM

View PostWildstreak, on 05 November 2017 - 08:35 AM, said:

Nothing niche about it.

You've been here long enough to see more than negatives so either you are missing the positives or being willfully blind for some reason.

I'd like you to explain it to me, then. Because with all my years of experience, I don't see any advantage is that isn't so severely and one sidedly blown out by the negatives.

I'd like to be surprised by the mech. It would take insane quirks to do it, but I'd like to be surprised with a new viable option. However, I don't make my financial or mech selection decisions based on quirks. This community should have learned that lesson ages ago. Do not chase quirks. Hell, don't hope for the right sort of quirks on a preorder, either.

So. Enlighten me. Where do its benefits outshine its staggering disadvantages?

Keep in mind, you're chatting with one of the few voices here that lauded the Huntsman when all you suckers were pissing on it. Who invented the 6x LLas Stalker ages before it was meta, was told it wasn't possible to run, and shut people up by presenting video footage of the thing. Who has predicted, based on unquirked stats, relative effectiveness with a startling degree of success.

This game isn't that hard to understand, compadre. The variables are simple. I don't analyze based on the game I want. I base it off of the game we have. And what we have is an arena shooter that relies on killing enemy mechs in a limited area of space. Mobility is a blessing, but if it impacts your ability to effectively deal damage, that blessing becomes a curse. Too much of a good thing.

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 05 November 2017 - 06:03 PM.

#128 Bad_Wolf


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 07:59 AM

Another nice clan Mech.

#129 Wildstreak


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 08:51 AM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 05 November 2017 - 05:58 PM, said:

Keep in mind, you're chatting with one of the few voices here that lauded the Huntsman when all you suckers were pissing on it. Who invented the 6x LLas Stalker ages before it was meta, was told it wasn't possible to run, and shut people up by presenting video footage of the thing. Who has predicted, based on unquirked stats, relative effectiveness with a startling degree of success.

After this public display of internet inflated value and generalized incorrect assumptions about the community (seems to be that time for that trend again), then clearly you are just being bitter and willfully ignorant.

No, I don't OWE you anything, I'll just let you be unpleasantly surprised when they come out.

Not my fault your anger and overinflated sense of your value got in your own way.

#130 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 09:17 AM

View PostWildstreak, on 06 November 2017 - 08:51 AM, said:

After this public display of internet inflated value and generalized incorrect assumptions about the community (seems to be that time for that trend again), then clearly you are just being bitter and willfully ignorant.

No, I don't OWE you anything, I'll just let you be unpleasantly surprised when they come out.

Not my fault your anger and overinflated sense of your value got in your own way.

Oh lawdy. I have a track record of accuracy, and somehow this is bad for me to have. What is this, bizzaro world?

Besides which, who said anything about anger? Who said anything about "owed?"

I had a suspicion you'd be "one of those." Who claims others are bitter or hateful because they simply don't see the attraction, then completely fails to back up your stance, while trying to poke at those who have a basis to stand on. I honestly don't see the attraction for the mech from an objective standpoint. Instead of being a good human, you decide to take it as a personal assault and fail to provide potential additional information on my analysis of the mech. Information that could very well change my opinion on the thing.

See, I actually provided a truncated analysis of the mech. An objective breakdown of how I see its pros and cons. One where in the context of this game, how it plays, and where it is forced to play (due to no scouting mode for clan 55 ton mechs). One which points to an excess of speed at too big a sacrifice for firepower in a game where we actually need to kill enemies. Where's your analysis? Clearly, if I didn't input the pros you are seeing that overrides the fact that it can't even strip armor for tonnage due to arm mounted guns, and has what I consider a podspace value that is well below a critical size for its weight, it's because I don't see them.

So, please, with not one shred of sarcasm - as hard as it is for internet people to actually understand honest requests when it's literally spelled out in front of them - enlighten me. What possible good can come of you holding out on this information? Because if I don't see it, I'd appreciate the insight, and I am not the only one who would. Your insight, if it is worth while in an objective analysis, would help quite a few people.

Instead, you stay silent. Which means one of three things:
1. You, for whatever reason, don't believe in the concept of a proper debate over something, in which others might legitimately have differing opinions than you, but could be open to the possibility of rethinking their stance based on evidence.
2. Your entire argument for the mech is rooted entirely in emotion and not logic, in which case you don't have an argument to stand on - not really.
3. You're simply here to stir the pot, with no "horse in this race," because trolls gotta troll.

I'd be more than happy for you to prove me wrong on the above points.

So, is your ego going to hold you back from helping people come up with an accurate, critical analysis of the mech? Or are you going to help people?

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 06 November 2017 - 09:26 AM.

#131 Kijiro Bugboy


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 09:48 AM

View Postblackcatf, on 04 November 2017 - 01:05 PM, said:

Is there a fluff piece coming soon? I've enjoyed the short narrative write-ups for previous new 'mech packs and was curious what the one for the Black Lanner was going to say.

For example:
Hellspawn: https://mwomercs.com...hellspawn-lore/
Thanatos: https://mwomercs.com...-thanatos-lore/

[edit: Come to think of it, I am not sure I saw a lore post for the Piranha, either...]

So I wasn't the only one that noticed the Piranha and Black Lanner are missing lore! Posted Image

And as for the viability of the Black Lanner as a platform, I think the whole discussion is frankly dumb. It wasn't chosen for its performance; it was chosen for its popularity. If they had added the Vapor Eagle or something more along those lines, it would simply have people scratching heads as to what the 'Mech actually is until they see the stats and realize that it's primed for being overpowered. And knowing PGI, when people scream about a Mech being overpowered they naturally nerf the weapons it uses (:V). Is weapon nerfs really the thing we need the most right now?

The Huntsman, when you look at it, is really just a medium trying to be a heavy. I know because I pilot one regularly; I actually got the standard pack for it last Christmas before it came out for C-bills. Yet people love it because of its comparatively small size and how much firepower it carries for its weight class. When put against a proper Clan Heavy it's laughable firepower-wise, and isn't any more mobile, but people (including me) still love it for some reason.

Imagine the kind of meta following the Vapor Eagle would get. That would be the sole new reason not to let the Clans get back to 55 tons in scouting, no question.

I've always avoided the meta like the plague simply because I think it's boring as ****. The Vapor Eagle can be built to have quite a niche build, but is that what the mass majority of players are going to use it like? Hell no, they're going to put in an XL 280 and pile as many weapons as they can onto that thing! Even I would play it like that rather than as a cavalry 'Mech. Why? Because I can.

Little psychology lesson: if the average person is locked to a certain role, they will be much more likely to get familiar with it and actually enjoy it than if they had the option to avoid it altogether. In this case the Black Lanner being locked to the status of cavalry 'Mech actually helps the chassis, in a way. It gains a face and a specific role, and isn't just another no-name fluff 'Mech that people occasionally use for the meta.

'Mechs like the Black Lanner have personality. Maybe I'm odd for a MechWarrior/BattleTech fan, but that's one of the biggest reasons I'm such a fan of the series; it feels like each 'Mech is almost its own character, and while they are highly customizable they still have certain strong suits. Those chassis which are more specific only have more of a personality.

Maybe that's why I never cared for the older IS 'Mechs. I still think the main reason is nostalgia though; the Clanner and Clan Invasion/Civil War-era IS machines are just unforgettable.

~Asriel "Mixed Tech MW4 Vet Since 7 Years of Age" Dreemur

Edited by Asriel Dreemur, 06 November 2017 - 09:56 AM.

#132 Wildstreak


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Posted 08 November 2017 - 04:31 AM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 06 November 2017 - 09:17 AM, said:

Oh lawdy. I have a track record of accuracy, and somehow this is bad for me to have.

Besides which, who said anything about anger? Who said anything about "owed?"

I had a suspicion you'd be "one of those."

See, I actually provided a truncated analysis of the mech.

So, please, with not one shred of sarcasm

Instead, you stay silent.

Or are you going to help people?

The only relevant parts of your post, the rest is bad drama acting trying to entertain and lie.

1 - No, you just have a bunch of unsubstantiated claims, no "track record."

2 - You did based on your own post. This is a topic about one digital product, not about your "history" of things you claim to have done.

3 - Nope, you're one of those who cannot discuss things analytically and objectively.

4 - Nope, you just made a bunch of negative points ignoring other things and then "whipped out" your so called credentials that have ZERO to do with the subject at all. If you want to compare size in a bathroom, go there with like minded people.

5 - If you think anyone rational sees your post as having no sarcasm, you are definitely delusional.

6 - Not silent, I just learned from other social encounters some people don't deserve things they demand. I give to those who actually want it and do so in a civil manner, you are not one of those.

7 - If you are so "godlike" you shouldn't need help. If you need it, then there goes your "status" as well.

Now go play toxic with someone who wants it.

#133 Kijiro Bugboy


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Posted 08 November 2017 - 08:32 AM

View PostWildstreak, on 08 November 2017 - 04:31 AM, said:

The only relevant parts of your post, the rest is bad drama acting trying to entertain and lie.

1 - No, you just have a bunch of unsubstantiated claims, no "track record."

2 - You did based on your own post. This is a topic about one digital product, not about your "history" of things you claim to have done.

3 - Nope, you're one of those who cannot discuss things analytically and objectively.

4 - Nope, you just made a bunch of negative points ignoring other things and then "whipped out" your so called credentials that have ZERO to do with the subject at all. If you want to compare size in a bathroom, go there with like minded people.

5 - If you think anyone rational sees your post as having no sarcasm, you are definitely delusional.

6 - Not silent, I just learned from other social encounters some people don't deserve things they demand. I give to those who actually want it and do so in a civil manner, you are not one of those.

7 - If you are so "godlike" you shouldn't need help. If you need it, then there goes your "status" as well.

Now go play toxic with someone who wants it.

I look at your location tag and I find out exactly the kind of person you are. I may not agree with Pariah's devalution (imo) of the Blanner but you are just taking it to a whole new level. Funny dude you are.

#134 Ryoken


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Posted 18 November 2017 - 08:44 AM

Gratulation to Alex and the whole Art team for once more turning a wonky TRO design into a beautifull mech model that has functional military machine feel yet sticks to the designs roots for imidiate recognition.

So I would gladly throw 40$ at PGI! Yet not beeing able to use this mech in FW scouting mode is a big bummer. Looking into the recent results in the scouting queue maybe PGI will find that the tech update has brought the Inner Sphere medium and light mechs on par with their Clan pendants.

I would gladly celebrate this achievement in balancing with buying a new mech pack when both Clan and IS have the same 55t drop limit again.

#135 Wildstreak


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 08:38 PM

View PostAsriel Dreemur, on 08 November 2017 - 08:32 AM, said:

I look at your location tag and I find out exactly the kind of person you are. I may not agree with Pariah's devalution (imo) of the Blanner but you are just taking it to a whole new level. Funny dude you are.

What a lame response.
If all you judge people by is a Location tag, your standards are shallow especially considering yours.
I never look at location tags when evaluating what someone says.
Nothing funny about the posts and no 'new level' was achieved.

#136 joergen


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Posted 15 February 2018 - 06:56 AM

Where's the preview? Lore? Quirks? Scale?
Nothing? SoonTM?

Or is everything released on Monday including Patch Notes as "Surprise" ?

#137 Alvar Von Kenesthor


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Posted 15 February 2018 - 07:59 AM

View Postjoergen, on 15 February 2018 - 06:56 AM, said:

Where's the preview? Lore? Quirks? Scale?
Nothing? SoonTM?

Agreed, 5 days until release and all we have thus far is a screenshot where even one of the lasers seems "dislocated"

#138 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 15 February 2018 - 11:58 AM


#139 KodiakGW


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Posted 15 February 2018 - 12:20 PM

View Postjoergen, on 15 February 2018 - 06:56 AM, said:

Where's the preview? Lore? Quirks? Scale?
Nothing? SoonTM?

Or is everything released on Monday including Patch Notes as "Surprise" ?

They have traditionally done one of those things each day. For the Piranha release it was:

Jan 17th - Screen Shots
Jan 18th - Titles and Badges
Jan 19th - Quirks
Jan 20th - Scale
Jan 21st - Cockpit and Cockpit Items
Jan 22nd - Preview Stream
Jan 23rd - Patch Day - Package Release

Pretty safe to say if they are starting a day late it is because there are no quirks. *shocking*

#140 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 15 February 2018 - 12:35 PM

View PostKodiakGW, on 15 February 2018 - 12:20 PM, said:

They have traditionally done one of those things each day. For the Piranha release it was:

Jan 17th - Screen Shots
Jan 18th - Titles and Badges
Jan 19th - Quirks
Jan 20th - Scale
Jan 21st - Cockpit and Cockpit Items
Jan 22nd - Preview Stream
Jan 23rd - Patch Day - Package Release

Pretty safe to say if they are starting a day late it is because there are no quirks. *shocking*

Nope. It will definitely have quirks, set of 8 at a minimum.

They have started late before and just dumped multiple days worth of countdown on one day. That is much more likely than no quirks for this guy.

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