Gas Guzzler, on 06 November 2017 - 02:39 PM, said:
High alphas vs continuous DPS builds? Depends on the situation, but yes, right now overall high alphas are better more often than not, except when they aren't.
In fact, on the IS side of the fence, DPS builds ARE better than alpha builds at least in the assault class. Like how the 6UAC2 Mauler is probably one of the best IS assaults in the game. 5UAC5 Annihilator also seems to consistently put up huge numbers for me.
I watched Navid put up 1000-1500 a match in a 4x AC10 Anni today in QP. Repeatedly, 1100-1500.
The absolute most entertaining match was when he got legged on Crimson at the north side tunnel exit (not the one under the garage, opposite side) on Escort. The escort was going to C4, down on the end of the peninsula. We had one guy who was just a total idiot, almost fresh Marauder Bounty Hunter who was just wandering around while we're all trying to explain it's ******* Escort, we're trying to kill the VIP and the VIP is 1/2 a grid from the departure. Our nimwit is being super, super cautious and looking for the last enemy (a mostly dead Arctic Wolf) and ignoring that we're going to lose to the VIP exiting.
Navid manages to catch and kill the VIP
in a legged Annihilator. In like 90 seconds.
I had written the match off for a loss. However he was getting a lot of success with just regular AC10s. Refire was surprisingly quick.
I also recommend trying 2xAC10, 2x RAC5. You've just got to keep yourself from stopping to shoot, which is tempting. Also watching the RACs and stopping when they hit the bar instead of letting them jam. I've had several 1200+ games. The 2x AC10s are cool enough that you just shoot them all day and the RACs you use for exposed targets and to suppress poke mechs.