JC Daxion, on 09 November 2017 - 11:40 AM, said:
The sad part is you think that people don't understand the comp play, or see what it is. It's always been a chase meta, and what ever mech gives any bonus.. It is nothing about Clan or IS, IT is what ever mech has the biggest advantage at that time. Be it hitbox, or range, or alpha, or movement or what ever..
What ever mech has the combo that fits best into what it is at that given time is what is popular.
That is not what the base game is, Nor should it ever be..
Should SOME comp issue be looked at.. of course, because they are typically min/maxing something and taking advantage of a certain aspect of the game. But man, get off your high horse for just once. And except that there are other aspects and people that do understand the game that are also NOT COMP ISSUES and are more than just Git Gud, or what ever other disparaging remark that you feel the need to make.
And maybe they need to be a bit more on the ball with taking the top performers down a notch too. Engine desync was a big part of that, and more could be done, but the nature of mix and match+ omni makes that incredibly hard. So the greater picture needs to be looked at.. what ever the comp guys are running at for a while, they get to do that.. Because making a game that is only balanced at comp level would be a incredibly bad game to play on so many levels.
The point of this topic was about the omni system.. and i already made a huge list of mechs that got better because of the omni system.. Summoner, mist linx, Kitfox, ACH, Ebon, ect and a bunch of others to varying degrees. I guess i am just imaging those buffs all those mechs got, or advantages those mechs can have during a meta shift.. Unlike the IS mechs, that get the meta shift and the mech gets tossed, and then they find the next over quirked meta.
Yes there needs to be more balance between clans and IS not relying on quirks as much.. But i certainly don't want to play a game that IS and Clans are exactly the same and just different skins.
Do you do any actual research?
Just saying.
If you like being blissfully ignorant, you have no right to complain about why things are the way they are. After all, it doesn't matter if you don't want to understand.
These things don't happen in a small vacuum. They happen for a reason. It's like saying water is wet. It's a lot more deeper than just that.