Vxheous, on 10 November 2017 - 03:11 AM, said:
Is this what you were referring to? I clipped this from a team member's stream November 8th, somewhat fits your description of getting killed in a Stormcrow from the front:
I don't see any issue there, he clearly shot multiple volleys of SRMs into you.
No. Not at all. If you read any of my descriptions you would know that this game has nothing in commen with the strange incident i encountered. I am just an average player but I know the game well enough to distinguish the ordinary from the odd.
Given there is no new unknown ultra laser alpha i suspect that this incident was just a very rare bug or an error in the endscreen report.
Anyway i remember the game you posted. I nearly cored him cherry red from behind before and tried desperately to get one last graze to his back. But he was way too good for me to get him with long time burn lasers. It was clear that we lost anyway but i was swearing loudly when he finally got me
