Lurms - That's The Way It Is
Posted 17 November 2017 - 09:02 PM
They have target lock and know your position, They see what your damage status is. Yeah.
It's an uphill climb and I'm feeling sorry, but I know they will come to you, yeah.
Just surrender 'cause you can't win in this thing called lurms...
When you want it the least there's no easy way out...
When you're ready to push and your heart's left in doubt...
Just give up on your team, lurms come to those who are spotted and that's the way it is...
When you question PGI for a simple balance, they don't know what to say, no...
But it's plain to see, if you stick in one spot, lurms gonna find a way, yeah...
So just surrender 'cause you can't win in this thing called lurms...
When you want it the least there's no easy way out...
When you're ready to push and your heart's left in doubt...
Just give up on your team, lurms come to those who are spotted and that's the way it is (that's the way it is)...
When radar's empty with no target locks and teammates start to push call...
Baby, don't worry, embrace your sorrow 'cause lurms gonna conquer you all, all...
When you want it the least there's no easy way out...
When you're ready to push and your heart's left in doubt...
Just give up on your team, lurms come to those who are spotted and that's the way it is (that's the way it is)... oh
(There's no easy way out... when you're ready to push and your heart's left in doubt)...
Just give up on your team, lurms come to those who are spotted and that's the way it is (that's the way it is)...
That's the way it is, babe (that's the way it is)
Just give up on your team, lurms come to those who are spotted and that's the way it is...
Posted 18 November 2017 - 08:10 AM
Takes the edge off.
Also, cover. It's like her pert hot younger sister. Makes you feel all better about yourself, because when you realize how good cover is and how EASY cover is then LRMs will never sting again.
Edited by MischiefSC, 18 November 2017 - 08:11 AM.
Posted 18 November 2017 - 09:36 AM
MischiefSC, on 18 November 2017 - 08:10 AM, said:
Takes the edge off.
Also, cover. It's like her pert hot younger sister. Makes you feel all better about yourself, because when you realize how good cover is and how EASY cover is then LRMs will never sting again.
One triple AMS Ktifox or Nova and the enemy LRM's aren't a thing anymore.
Now if there were just a way to build a 3xLAMS mech that didn't cook itself...
Posted 18 November 2017 - 02:04 PM
Unless you do like me and run a LRM 80 on a MADii SC, or LRM 90, Triple AMS wont do a lot
Posted 18 November 2017 - 02:10 PM
Lt_Paragor, on 18 November 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:
Unless you do like me and run a LRM 80 on a MADii SC, or LRM 90, Triple AMS wont do a lot
Countering 20+ tons of guns for 1.5/3 tons is generally not advised
Posted 18 November 2017 - 02:12 PM
Lt_Paragor, on 18 November 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:
Unless you do like me and run a LRM 80 on a MADii SC, or LRM 90, Triple AMS wont do a lot
It will eliminate about 50% of your firepower and make that 85 ton mech perform like a 50 ton mech. Given the weakness of clrms vs AMS taking a Clan LRM Assault is consistently dumping your team. I know if feels hardcore to puke up a ton of LRMs but denying your team a laservomit/gaussvomit assault that's going to wreck face no matter what for a 85 tonner that hits like a 50 tonner is going to make you struggle.
Better off going smaller, less tubes, backup weapons, focus on mechs out of AMS umbrella and use maneuverability to catch them out of cover.
Posted 19 November 2017 - 04:18 PM
Posted 19 November 2017 - 05:29 PM
Posted 19 November 2017 - 05:52 PM
Lt_Paragor, on 18 November 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:
Unless you do like me and run a LRM 80 on a MADii SC, or LRM 90, Triple AMS wont do a lot
Not to be rude but to also emphasize the point MsC was making;
I drive fast movers and assuming a QP arena, if I saw that mech, I would take my wingman and hunt you for the easy kill.
Again, not to be rude but it would be in effort to eliminate a threat and well, for the easy kill based on normal LRM player behavior that of being somewhat separated from the team and in the rear.
The advice and feedback MSC is providing is sound and comes from experience. You would be a better pilot by taking it.
Posted 19 November 2017 - 06:52 PM
If you are constantly struggling agaist LRMs the problem is your skill. Not the weapon, not the map but you. Now before the snow flakes get triggered, struggling with LRMs doesn't mean you suck at everything. There are plenty of Tier 1 players with high KDR and thousands of games that still struggle to manage their LRM exposure. It just means you need to work on your anti LRM skills.
From time to time, we all get caught with our pants down and LRMed to death. The same goes for walking around the wrong corner and instantly getting focused to death or pausing for second to long in a light. It happens. That is not a reason to come out swinging with the nerf bat.
It doesn't mean LRMs are perfect either. They are not. They are far to effective vs the unskilled and nowhere near effective enough vs the skilled.
Here is a few anti LRM pointers from a guy who happily runs an Execution on Polar Highlands without AMS or radar deprivation.
1. When the game starts look for team mates with ECM and AMS. You may need them in the future.
2. Look for lights (LRM spotters) flanking early. On Polar you can see them cutting across the tops of ridges. Be patient and have an alpha strike ready for them when they pop their heads up to spot.
3. Gage the enemies LRM capability early so you can plan accordingly. On a map like Polar you can expose early and safely to bait the enemies LRMs.
4. Don't wait for the missile warning before acting. Dodging LRMs is a game of time. Lock time plus travel time vs time to break lock. Don't give the enemy time. Assume you will be locked as soon as you expose and manage accordingly.
5. If you can't break line of sight with them, make them break line of sight with you. No light wants to hang around and spot if he is going to cop a second alpha strike. Most assults and heavies will look away (break lock) to shield.
6. If the enemy has lots of LRMs and a NARC then the NARC mech is your first and last priority. Make him pay every time he exposes to NARC.
7. If you get NARCed seek LRM proof cover before the missiles start coming. If there is no cover seek ECM/AMS allies and shield like crazy. If they don't exist run in the opposite direction to the launcher to increase range and flight time and shield as the missiles hit.
Posted 20 November 2017 - 01:44 AM
Lt_Paragor, on 18 November 2017 - 02:04 PM, said:
Unless you do like me and run a LRM 80 on a MADii SC, or LRM 90, Triple AMS wont do a lot
This man knows.. This man remembers..
Killing Irondome mechs with LRMs is the sweetest thing to do

Especially when you get a "Report LRM scum" at the end of the match from an enemy that rushed you, but you overheated to deny them the kill, cose' you know you were dead anyway at 3:10..
Edited by Vellron2005, 20 November 2017 - 01:49 AM.
Posted 20 November 2017 - 06:18 AM
But, I did see somthing that was interesting: during a comp match against a well ranked team, I accidently took the wrong mech and ended up with a MDD with LRM's.... ooops.
The other team didn't have any AMS or Radar Dep and were severaly at a loss what to do with LRMs... I asked one of the other players why they dropped AMS and RD: because we and all of the other players have gotten rid of that nonsense.......
Take a balance of weapons to inlcude LRM's and I'd bet you a dollar to a donut that a team whose web site says: Missles = NO join, might be in for a rude awakening at some point in a comp match.....saw it happen and the mad rush of the other team having to change config's and tactics to try and solve the new threat: they failed and a pick-up team of individuals ruined their perfect little day.... Un-Nerf LRM's and ARTEMIS and MWO would "be something else" and meta would have to evolve....
Posted 20 November 2017 - 01:22 PM
LRM complaints would evaporate- except for people trying to use LRMs. And they'd have to gitgud from the start.
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