I will keep the OP as simple as possible, you're welcome to ask for details or challenge my methodology in posts.
Starting with season 14, using available variables: mech weight, matches played (match), avg score per match (score), kills per match (kpm), and win percent (wpct), I started with a logistical regression to see which of these variables had the most weight in determining win/loss rates.

The odds ratio is the impact on your odds of winning by each variable in the left column, when holding all other variables constant. 1 means no systematic impact, a number >1 means your odds improve, and <1 means your odds worsen. The 95% confidence limits gives a range to the estimate, where if it includes 1, it means the variable has a statistically insignificant impact.
It's obvious from these numbers that there is only one significant predictor variable: your past win rate. This does not mean the other variables don't matter, it just means that when this past performance metric is available, no other information can improve upon this predictor. Your choice of mech weight, your average score, everything accounted for.
This is from season 14 data, what about season 15 and 16?

It turns out this model is remarkably consistent. There are no changes between seasons to speak of.
Okay... so what if we remove the past win rate percent as one of the variables, then we can better see the impact of other variables on win/loss. We'll start with season 14 again:

Within mech weight, it looks like heavier mechs consistently outperform lighter mechs, with Assault mechs being better than all other weight classes, Heavy mechs being better than Mediums and Lights, and Mediums being better than Lights.
The number of matches played in the season do not affect win rate, it may be different if I had total matches played overall.
Each 100 point increase in your average match Score will boost your win ratio by 30%, and each 1.0 kill per match extra will result in a 20% boost in your win ratio. Match Score is a complicated metric, however damage done is the largest component within the score. If we had total damage, KMDDs, assists, etc, I could investigate each component however it is fair to say from this data that taking many actions to earn match score will improve your chances of victory.
What about consistency of these predictors between seasons?

The shifts in the estimates from season 15 and 16 data for our 2 major predictors stay within the margins of error from season 14. This makes me satisfied with this model Heavier mechs also continue to out perform lighter mechs, however for season 15 the difference between Assaults and Heavy mechs was insignificant.
How to use this information:
Win rates are available as a metric that the Match Maker can use, as are Average Match Scores and Kills per match. However, the fact that these metrics are very significant (P-value <0.0001 for all) means that the MM does not use them in creating teams for QP. If it did, these variables would show a much reduced impact on your chances of winning because the MM would actively balance the skill level on each team.
The simplest way to improve upon the MM today is to add up the Win/Loss Rato for each team and switch players around until they are roughly equal. To maintain even weight, the player switching can occur within each mech weight class. Differences in mech tonnage is shown to have less of an impact as past win rates, avg score, etc.
This will result is much better, closer matches for everyone.
In order to create a formula with weights, I would need data on matchs, the players on each team, map, and final result. I don't have these, but the formula will be a function on past W/L, Score per match, and Kills per match.
How to improve upon this model:
As mentioned already, having damage done, KMDDs, etc available would help, but the two main components I would like are mech chassis and PSR tier. I do NOT need the pilot name, having this information anonymized will allow me to calculate how much EACH mech chassis impacts your win ratio, as well as gauging whether PSR and Matchmater has any impact.
I'd be able to tell you exactly how OP or UP each mech chassis is, on each map, so that the MM can create even better matches by weighing each player not only by their global average performance, but also by the mech choice and map selection.
Crazy? Nan, just math.
Edited by Nightbird, 18 November 2017 - 01:58 PM.