Davegt27, on 27 November 2017 - 12:03 PM, said:
yeah sorry I was in a hurry to upload the video
my head phones are on there last legs (only one side works) that's when the ticking started is when one side went out
I expect to take the video down in a few weeks
also I should have edited the first part and just get to the important stuff
again sorry
my head phones are on there last legs (only one side works) that's when the ticking started is when one side went out
I expect to take the video down in a few weeks
also I should have edited the first part and just get to the important stuff
again sorry
Whoa! I'm NOT trying to berate you, Davegt27. I was simply trying to provide constructive thoughts, in order to enable you to repair the video and keep it up on the web. That was a rather close game you had there, and while you may not have won, you did put up one hell of a fight. It's a definite keeper.
Frankly, I think you have a piece of 'Educational Gold' here. You display perfectly why one must be careful with the placement and usage of Strike Consumables, including the consequences of not doing so. Also, this shows why the Teammates of a Strike Consumable User MUST be more careful when piloting their own Mechs.
On a darker note, this video depicts the fact that there is no indication to your Team on how you've set your Strike. This is something that PGI should rectify, by providing an Attack Zone Indicator to your Teammates (and NOT your enemy) on their Minimaps. That way, the odds of doing Team Damage with a Strike can be decreased to some meaningful extent, by allowing them to get out of the way without giving the enemy much in the way of indication.
So, there you have it, all of my thoughts on the matter. Just fix the upload of the full fight, without worrying about trying to resize it, and you've got it perfect already. Good luck out there, and I'll hope we find each other as Teammates at some point in Quick Play. Maybe even in CW/FW/FP, should I find myself returning to being a Mercenary again.
~Mr. D. V. "Man, don't junk it, don't cut it to pieces, just tidy it up! It's actually a valuable video in its' complete form!" Devnull