Lupis Volk, on 12 December 2017 - 03:07 AM, said:
Posts like this show that no matter what you can't please everyone over the littlest and pettiest of things.
PGI is dammed if they do and dammed if they don't with this community.
Sorry to be a broken record here, but...
After skills tree dropped PGI said that balance was as close as it has ever been. They gave a percentage of variance between the widest performing chassis between techs of a mere 8% difference. The widest difference between the best and the worst chassis is only 8% (across techs even!). An MK-II exhibits only an 8% difference from that of a Vindicator. That is what they claimed their real and honest observation of in game performance showed. That was 7 months ago.
What have they done since then? What have they done for balance in the last 7 months, when it was apparently and according to them so nearly perfect?
Well, for 6 of the last 7 months they have changed quirks, affected nearly all manner of weapon stats, and screwed with game values in a random and haphazard manner that they refuse to explain with anything other than platitudes such as “our internal values show” or this month’s gem regarding the Zeus: “the generous cool down quirks already present can sometimes work against it” or in regard to Clan machine guns “For Clan Machine Guns we want them to carry the same general offensive punch as the IS variants per-weapon to play into the Faction's niche,” while apparently being totally ignorant that only the clans can boat 6-8 of the things on a light chassis and that such “equality” is anything but equal. But I digress.
For 6 of the last 7 months they have screwed with values for reasons unknown (ya, ya, sure Paul claimed that the ISML nerf was partly due to player demand but he is clearly delusional in this regard or he should prove it) and all of that to presumably reduce that 8% chassis variance to something even more perfect.
Does anyone believe this crap?
I mean presumably after 7 months of near (only November avoided the dartboard) constant changes, shouldn’t that 8% be even more incidental? Hell with all of their real data, and real game play observation, driving all of these changes balance ought to be perfect by now.
But its not. Its not even close and it never was. Either they are not competent to understand “the data” or they are lying to us. You pick. Anyone who’s played this game regularly KNOWS that balance is a mess and PGI’s assertions that their actions are all about improving balance just make them look stupid or nefarious and it is driving people away like never before. Incidentally, how are your wait times lately? Seeing lots of different folks in the queue?
So yeah they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t because their efforts or lack thereof are a mess. Even if you believe that they are pure of heart and ar trying ever so hard to get balance right; they are failing. Their actions are often nonsensical and almost totally ignorant of actual gameplay reality and I for one am just so sick of it.