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Mwo Holiday Events

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#201 Laser Kiwi


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 01:30 AM

I haven't played for 5 days, haven't won any prizes, not worried in the slightest, i think everyone's complaining a little too much

#202 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 04:42 AM

If PGI is willing to give **** away for free, but makes it impossible for people with a real live, 99% of the players, to get it, that´s not complaining, it´s reasonable criticism.
That´s not how you keep this game alive, that´s how you tell your players that you don´t give a **** about the community, cause you are not willing to take 5 minutes to think about what you are doing.

PS: Take those MC UAVs and MC Air Strikes out of the loot bags. Nobody needs this crap.

#203 Anatidaephobia


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 07:49 AM

Just finished the FP part of the event [via scouting], redeemed the decals and...

They're the same decals from the dailies, so I did all of that for nothing. Posted Image

#204 Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 08:27 AM

View PostAnatidaephobia, on 24 December 2017 - 07:49 AM, said:

Just finished the FP part of the event [via scouting], redeemed the decals and...

They're the same decals from the dailies, so I did all of that for nothing. Posted Image

really...? that's kinda bad on their part.

but thx for the info! :)
now I can rest easier, NOT doing everything just to get those. this event is way too much grind (in terms of time), and like others said: it's a good way to scare away your customers.
so once again well done, pgi.

#205 stealthraccoon


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 09:45 AM

I'm not sure I can manage all the faction play games - but I'll give it a shot, I do kinda want a seasonal Stalker....

#206 Wolfgang Grenzstein


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 01:51 PM

The stockings factional is absurd.

Either lower the contribution tipping point (the average match score) to 200 or lower the points needed to get the bonus mech to 150 (so you can get in via quickplay and purchasing your way in).

250 in faction is in no way comparable to 150 in quickplay, if you had such a cutoff it would be closer to 300. Even if everything goes as perfect as can be for a potatoe player, you will not hit 250 match score in faction.

Not cool guys.

#207 MovinTarget


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 04:25 PM

View PostWolfgang Grenzstein, on 24 December 2017 - 01:51 PM, said:

Even if everything goes as perfect as can be for a potatoe player...

I realize a lot of people potato it in FP, but did PGI ever say it was a game mode designed to court said potatoes?

There is a warning when you first look at the FP tab indicating that it is much more challenging than QP.

I don't know that PGI has ever reversed course on this as FP was originally supposed to be the end game content for seasoned vets.

So perhaps arguing that it is not a potato-friendly challenge is moot. What you should be arguing is that FP is not potato-friendly, period.

If the rewards were exclusive i could see the angst, but they are cbill mechs you can buy with what you earn from free premium time and stocking stuffers... even the mech bay can be bought on sale!

Edited by MovinTarget, 24 December 2017 - 04:27 PM.

#208 LordFatman


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 05:46 PM

View PostMovinTarget, on 24 December 2017 - 04:25 PM, said:

I realize a lot of people potato it in FP, but did PGI ever say it was a game mode designed to court said potatoes?

There is a warning when you first look at the FP tab indicating that it is much more challenging than QP.

I don't know that PGI has ever reversed course on this as FP was originally supposed to be the end game content for seasoned vets.

So perhaps arguing that it is not a potato-friendly challenge is moot. What you should be arguing is that FP is not potato-friendly, period.

If the rewards were exclusive i could see the angst, but they are cbill mechs you can buy with what you earn from free premium time and stocking stuffers... even the mech bay can be bought on sale!

events should be their to get more people to play not quit as his game is dying slowly they need more people playing

#209 MovinTarget


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 07:10 PM

View PostLordFatman, on 24 December 2017 - 05:46 PM, said:

events should be their to get more people to play not quit as his game is dying slowly they need more people playing

That is one interpretation, sure.

Perhaps the event is to get the tryhards back, not frustrate potatoes.

There is a difference in perspective here, it seems.

My point is that if ALL challenges are reduced to the lowest common denominator, you lose players to boredom. There are already easy challenges here, LOTS of easy challenges.
Why can't one challenge be... challenging for the FP veterans?

I am not saying people don't have a right to complain if they find 250 hard. What I am saying is you are going about it wrong and ignoring a portion of the population when only thinking of yourselves.

Instead of demanding the req be lowered, demand that there be a separate, easier challenge for those unable/unwilling to grind the 250s. Why doesn't that make sense?

Also, folks should temper their expectations of what they should qualify for based on what they can achieve. Not expect to get every single reward simply because they want it. Making things too easy will rob you of the sense of satisfaction of actually earning the reward.

Edited by MovinTarget, 24 December 2017 - 07:11 PM.

#210 Ghastly


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Posted 24 December 2017 - 07:56 PM

View PostMovinTarget, on 24 December 2017 - 07:10 PM, said:

Instead of demanding the req be lowered, demand that there be a separate, easier challenge for those unable/unwilling to grind the 250s.
I was actually coming on here to say something similar. Not because I can't do it myself (I'm probably going to get it as soon as I get the free 25 clicks on the 27th), but because some of the rewards aren't worth getting compared to the others.

Realistically, nobody should ever pick the Blackjack 2 because it's so cheap compared to the other mechs that are up for the reward. You can easily just buy it outright after playing enough games to qualify for it. If you follow the same formula next year and this year's loyalty mechs are up for pick-a-prize, the Griffin and Kit Fox could be on a lower tier pick-a-prize only taking 100 stocking-stuffers, for example, and the Victor and Linebacker could be the mechs that take the full requirements.

#211 6r33dy


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 12:15 AM

Btw, why don't PGI add bonus loot bags for Piranha and Black Lanner pre-orders? That would be nice.

#212 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 12:32 AM

To reach 250 matchscore isn´t really the problem. The problem is to get 250 matchscore with potatoes in your team who never played Siege before or, even worse, can´t even play one of the other modes properly. Lurms on Frozen City, medium lasers on Alpine, brawl on Polar ... that´s where you get stomped and loose all 4 mechs, making it impossible to get 250 matchscore, unless you manage to get 3.000 damage.

But hey it´s okay, you can simply buy the **** ... even a mechbay for MC, which is real money ... no problem ... Posted Image

If PGI would tell us how the matchscore is calculated, but that seems to be Ultra Top Secret. Posted Image
I had games in scouting with 350 damage and 280 matchscore and i had games with 500 damage and 249 matchscore or less (249 matchscore several times not frustrating at all ...). The biggest problems with matchscore and XP for the last years is, and has always been, you don´t get rewards for the **** you´re supposed to do. You don´t get points for collecting Intels in scouting, you don´t get points for killing the VIP in escort, you don´t get points for capping on conquest ... the only thing you get points for is damage, damage, damage. And that´s ********!

And what´s even more frustrating, PGI ignoring you in the forums, on Facebook and on Twitter. If it´s a compliment for the game, you get an answer. If it´s criticism ... nothing. Just write "We don´t geiv a ****" as answer. That´s all i want!

Edited by Wishmast3r, 25 December 2017 - 12:33 AM.

#213 Eiswolf


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 02:14 AM

This is was my FP.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting more of ten minutes for Match, yes a match. Woohhhooo.
Selecting Dropdeck.
Start. Hmmm Premade... Okay Only 250 MS ist wandet, stomp No one in the Team reach the MS wow more then 30 Minutes for nothing, okay Start a new Search.
Waiting, waiting, waiting Ah a match,
Selecting Dropdeck.
Ah a PUG Team, very good, have a hard fight, Endscreen 248 MS... okay **** happens.
Search a new Match
Now 1,5 hours ago No Match bring the 250 MS and I waiting, waiting, waiting more then 10 Minutes No Match found.
Its okay, cancel, LogOut to to Others Things without frustrating.

Thx... And this is the rigth way to bring more peoples to FP?

Edited by Eiswolf, 25 December 2017 - 02:19 AM.

#214 Z01


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 03:44 AM

Why not advertised on STEAM?

#215 PanzerTC


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 10:16 AM


Here are my respectful thoughts for consideration.


Posted Today, 09:15 AM

Btw, why don't PGI add bonus loot bags for Piranha and Black Lanner pre-orders? That would be nice.

I believe they included these packages in the last major loot bag event.

I think that PGI has some options to look at for future events like this.

One possible solution is this:

Scale the choices of mechs available for the bags/level achieved. Light - 125, Medium - 150, Heavy 175, and Assault - 200.

Another option is this:

Allow the people to achieve the goal with 150 bags instead of 200. I think that has been mentioned in a post or two above.

Most of my best friends do not play anymore because of the unattainable goals with their real life commitments and obligations. I give credit to PGI for making changes in the daily/weekly challenges.

I am like so many others in that I want to see the community grow and expand. Not dwindle an die. I think PGI understands this. It just sometimes doe not seem like it to some of the players. And from time to time this does include me on occasion.

Edited by PanzerTC, 25 December 2017 - 10:50 AM.

#216 Karn Bloodstar


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 10:48 AM

After spending 2 days grinding out 125 matches in which you need to achieve 150 in quick play (basically do 300 dmg and win match) I went to do faction play (havent done that since season beta) the changes and variety was different and fun, the macth score of 250 unattainable unless You do 2000 dmg get 4 kills and win said match , this is a ruff but perty close Seems that PGI while saying they want people to play faction play make it totally not worth it.

Thanks for wasting my holiday time off.

#217 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 11:12 AM

View PostKarn Bloodstar, on 25 December 2017 - 10:48 AM, said:

After spending 2 days grinding out 125 matches in which you need to achieve 150 in quick play (basically do 300 dmg and win match) I went to do faction play (havent done that since season beta) the changes and variety was different and fun, the macth score of 250 unattainable unless You do 2000 dmg get 4 kills and win said match , this is a ruff but perty close Seems that PGI while saying they want people to play faction play make it totally not worth it.

Thanks for wasting my holiday time off.

Not true, besides there is lots more to the MS besides damage (though it is a large component of it) that can add up, or subtract (team damage/suicide (not ejecting). Though as PUGS not working together can make it bad.

Besides those two of mine listed below there were three others where they were losses but Clans won by going for objectives/gens. Of those only 5 Clan pilots made 250 MS where as an total 20 IS made MS. Those losses may have not happened if most had pushed out and engaged before the Clans had reached the gens. Each time it did take them using their last wave to finish off Omega.

269 MS - 2 Kills/5-kmdd/1-solokill /-1 team damage - 1552 dmg - loss
282 MS - 6 Kills/3-kmdd/0-solokill /-8 team damage - 1192 dmg - win

Edit - Also, getting 200 Loot stockings allows you the selection of one of six eligible mechs, shown on the page that they are redeemed.

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 25 December 2017 - 12:15 PM.



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Posted 25 December 2017 - 11:38 AM

many of my +150 match score games are not registering in the event counter....

#219 Commander A9


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 12:17 PM

It's alot of bags, but it's good for free stuff.

#220 ShooteyMcShooterson


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Posted 25 December 2017 - 06:56 PM

So Faction Scouting is pointless to play today. Clanners are trolling nearly every match with suiciding, sniping and running off the edge of the map, cap outs and other **** moves to prevent IS players from possibly getting the 250 match score, win or lose.

People say this game has a community of nice people, but I can't remember the last time there was a big event that wasn't trolled until it was basically ruined by a minority of players.

Stay classy losers.

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