So, I've had a kinda lengthy hiatus from MWO, thanks in large part to school. When I left, FRR was one of the larger factions, and each house had its territory, just to give some context on the length of time. I come back, and now the Clans are putting the boot in across the map!
So, I have decided that faction play is for me, and that the Clans need to be kicked back to the edge. I tend to prefer fast medium (Cicadas), and mid-long ranged heavies (that'd be your Marauders and Riflemen).
I'm more than happy to join whatever VOIP your group uses, and will admit to my general noobish-ness. Anyway, I'll probably continue joining in the general fighting going on this holiday, and hope to hear a response soon!

Somewhat Experienced Player Looking For An Active Frr Unit
Started by Vanaheimr, Dec 27 2017 02:41 PM
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