I've been playing since closed beta off and on. Lately I've been trying to carve out at least a few hours a week to play. Mostly PUGing in quick play but I've been interested in CW since it was announced. I've tried my hand at it a few times, but it's pretty evident that you can't approach CW as a PUG. Sometimes people are down right rude when you don't bring "the right mech" so I've steered clear of it mostly.
I did some research before posting and I am willing to build the drop decks required. I am also interested in quick play groups and competitive play. Though I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the "meta" game and tend to build and run the mechs that suit my play style more than anything else. My preferred builds are mid range brawlers or jack of all trade support mechs. I also like to run and Awesome with lots and lots of missiles every now and again.
I'm currently tier 3 teetering on tier 2. My KD sucks, but that's mostly because I spend most of my matches in PUG quick play and I'm at the mercy of the matchmaker.
I have unit experience. I was a very active member of the Ghost Warriors Brigade, a merc corp from before CW existed. I continued to play for a while once they got absorbed into the BSA but life got in the way I wasn't able to play regularly for quite a while. Circumstances have changed and I'm able to play more or less regularly again.
If you have any questions for me or if you're looking for a solid mid level player with lots of experience than send me a message. Hope to hear from you.
Edited by ElliottHD, 11 January 2018 - 09:59 AM.