Zig when you should Zag and your dead instantly.
Overheat and your dead instantly.
Lose a leg and your dead instantly.
Run into someone with good aim and your dead instantly.
Energy versions are VERY hot, even with only 3 energy weapons loaded.
Streaks=Body parts everywhere.
Arms pop off if you even go to fast. I mean really, the arms are gone quickly.
Quick and nimble.
Great for scouting and pestering.
Not a first engagement mech, but excels as the fight drags on.
Running in schools it is deadly, just like its name sake.
Devastating against LRM and Sniper Assaults who hang back.
Overall, The CI, (S) and the A versions appear to be the best for me so far. And the War Horn is now my favorite.
Edited by RustyBolts, 23 January 2018 - 02:25 PM.