Posted 24 January 2018 - 04:13 PM
Having been through ELO, through the beginning of PSR from T5 up and midway through T2 now. PSR has degraded in quality. Self sorting has occurred via this system and it has fundamentally made the game worse due to stagnation. This has led to it isn't about picking a good mech, but, picking a mech you can do well in without support of a team, as well as aiming to get as close to 250 match score as possible. Why? Break even point for on the loss for PSR. Even when I do get to T1, the quality of matches won't change as testament to what B33f shows off on his streams and from what others in my unit experience in T1.
What is needed is a change of how MM is handled in a few ways. Sure, player side you need to find a mech you can do good in, there are mechs most do well in (MAD-IIC), but, finding something you just generally do well in is priority in this day and age.
People talk about Zero Sum a lot so let's tackle something like that. Zero Sum sort of works. It would require seasons to exist to really end up working otherwise it falls apart, yes ELO is Zero Sum, but, the issue is that even with say Top 4 performers on the winning team go up massively, middle 4 go up moderately, and bottom 4 stay the same, enemy team top 4 stay the same, middle 4 go down a bit, and bottom 4 drop massively in 'standing' you still have inactive players filling ranks in the background. These inactive players would have to be culled per month if they played less than 8 matches or something arbitrary like that, not too low, but, something reflecting an hour or two of play a month. So it reflects someone not overly dedicated to the game but also regularly playing.
Tiers being broken up into Standard Deviations would be ideal. T1 is STD-3, T2 is STD-2, T3 is STD +&-1, T4 STD+2, T5 is STD+3. Though it might need to be tightened due to how big T3 would end up being and how small T1 and T5 would be (but T5 should be small and bleed into T4, same with T1 and bleeding into T2). This would instead of having everyone eventually filter up to T1 in PGI's idea, or as it has in reality made everyone slowly migrate to T1 or T5, the Extremes in a bi-modal distribution, we would get a bell curve for the distribution of population. Sure the beginning of each quarter would be rough as there would be no rank with a reset as resetting PSR is an absolute however I think it would be for the better as it is another way to purge inactive players. From here we have quarterly resets culling inactive players helping keep tiers more clearly defined, (could even have monthly purges of inactive players as outlined above to help keep that resolution).
Make Match Score tie into things other than damage to a greater extent, reward crippling mechs, reward kill assists, reward decapping heavier, reward stopping a cap by standing in it after an enemy started capping. Little things that yeah sure it could inflate one's match score but it could show they are capable of knowing how to WIN a Match not just how to put damage down range (as it is at a 1/3rd your damage is turned into match score now I believe, down from 1/2). While damage is important, it would give a bit more reward to those who are actively doing things to win the match for the team other than dumping damage into enemies dead sides. Also, possibly quick kill rewards for people who manage to efficiently take out mechs (so back stabs, XL kills) that is like 100XP-% left of mech before it died, and some decent match score to offset the 120-300 damage they are trading out doing to back stab to XL instead of farm. It is a way to also reward newer players (throw a big fat cbill bonus to quick kills) to learn how to identify where a mech is weak and shoot it there and try to identify what is an XL build and what isn't. While I know XL builds are a lot less common with the introduction of Light Fusion Engines, there is still a place for them, and knowing if a mech is a LFE or STD can also be just as valuable. While this would to a degree skew MS upwards in a way, it is trying to make MS mean more by rewarding knowing what is needed to win by killing and manipulating the mode to leverage things to your teams favor.
TL;DR, seasonal resets of PSR, change up how PSR is calculated so T3 is where majority of players are, not T5 or T1 over time as PGI designed it. Only so many people go up in PSR and go down in PSR per match depending on how well they did in the match.