Posted 08 February 2018 - 04:29 PM
Whooooooaaa there tiger. Easy with that Joystick thing. You want some real advice? Disconnect them and put them back on the shelf unless you are playing a flight sim.
MWO is NOT the game where you want these tools. The best advice you can take as a new player is to Turn your Mouse sensitivity way down. Every single player I have seen play this game using a joystick to aim and turn has sucked. the more you do it the worse you suck at it and the worse it is on your team.
MWO is basically an FPS with a lot of interesting dynamics revolving around piloting skills, and planning moves out way in advance, picking retreat points, and orienting your mech properly to receive incoming fire, take cover, and return fire in an effective way, ideally delivering damage to specific places on your target. Your aim with that thing will be horrible, I promise. So please for the love of blake, put it away and leave it away.
Once you have mastered a keyboard, some players can use a stick to control the speed/turning, but thats a much more advanced skill.