The Mechwarrior/Battletech universe is fairly fleshed-out, and MWO takes plece at some nonspecific point within that universe, or at least one would assume so.
The game treats you / your character, in some cases, like a character within that universe - attaching titles of certain jobs / allowing you to join in-universe clans and all that.
So, if you're anything like me, you like to imagine your profile embodying a distinct character, as you might in an RPG. The "character" who owns all these mechs, who goes on all these missions, etc.
Due to the accumulation of experience, skills, etc, it's easy to assume that all of the games you play take place within a singular "canon" for your character. But at the same time, it's pretty obvious that anytime a mech is destroyed, the pilot probably dies as well. And EVERYONE loses a mech here and there, in mwo.
For those who also imagine mwo in an rpg-esque fashion, how do you rationalize this? Cloning? Alternate timelines? Convenient, stealthy ejector seats?
(Its worth noting that i'm well aware mwo ISN'T an rpg. This is all purely fanciful speculation.)
Edited by Mezzabelle, 03 February 2018 - 09:58 AM.