Here's what I mean. This is how a current engine entry looks in the XML files:
Here is an example of some quirk code from an Adder's Omnipod:
And here is the survival skill tree code, demonstrating the different values based on tonnage:
What I'm proposing is to sandwich all of this stuff together to create something like this:
You'll see that I only listed the LT structure, because adding in the needed RT structure and LT/RT armor would make this one single engine take up an absurd amount of space in the code. This is just for demonstration.
Ideally this game
should be using object-oriented programming such that we shouldn't need to add this to every single damn XL engine entry. We should only have to add it to a "base IS XL engine" which every IS XL entry would then inherit from.
Could Chris or somebody from PGI verify if the basic concept of equipment granting quirks is even possible, or would the snippet above make the game implode?
Edited by FupDup, 10 February 2018 - 01:18 PM.