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So About That Solaris 7 Atlas

BattleMechs Loadout Weapons

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#21 Khobai


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 08:29 PM

the atlas really isnt that bad if you dont already own an atlas

it can still run the standard UAC20x1/MRM30x2 brawler build

the problem is it doesnt offer anything new to people who already own other atlai

#22 JediPanther


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 09:40 PM

View PostN0ni, on 16 February 2018 - 10:36 PM, said:

The Atlas is like an RS if you traded 1 arm energy for 2 in the CT. I feel like it took no more than 10 seconds to think that up and call it good. The problem with that is that when was the last time you saw an RS? What makes you think it having 1 more energy hardpoint will make it any better?

Also, i doubt the quirk department will be any better. So if you have the Loyalty S or the Founders D, you're set for having the better C-Bill boosted mechs.

Sadly the only RS seems to be on a Friday the 13th under a red blood moon when I decide to use a troll build on my RS such as the quad Heavy ppcs haduken build which promptly die to overheating and over ride. I do like building it as a Boar Head's dumber younger brother and as a want-to-be Boars Head the RS is kind of fun but not really.

#23 Jackal Noble


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 09:57 PM

Solaris lore aside as idk, I've always thought it would cool to see an Atlas with arm mounted ballistics ala Atlas II style. I actually thought I was going to see that when I first glanced at the Solaris pack. Much to my chagrin, it looked very samey.

Aside from that, it has a pretty sick paint job.

#24 Carrioncrows


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 11:38 PM

Actually that Hero firestarter looks pretty hot.

Quad arm mounted mg's. The problem with the other firestarters were the torso mounted ones.

So it could be said the energy arms are better or the mg's, a case can be made for both. Personally when you are close enough to use the mobility of the arms then i'd say MG's are better than meds or smalls in the arms.

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