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Cataphractos' Super-Thread!

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#21 Peter2k


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Posted 19 February 2018 - 09:23 AM

View PostYondu the Ravager, on 19 February 2018 - 05:24 AM, said:

The only Cataphract I will recommend OP to buy is the Ilya. Ridiculous quirks on this monster; armor, cooldown, velocity, range. Load it with ballistics and watch it kill everything. Only problem with this mech is what it shares with all other Cataphract variants which is the low arm mounts.

Well I was weighing if I should've send Cataphractos an Ilya instead, but heavy hero's all cost the same as giftcode (around 20$, Ilya actually 21; ESPRIT DE CORPS was 20)

And an ebon can carry everything
Now while there are better platforms for some weapons like LRM and Gaus, the ebon can carry them as well and at least you can try some different loadouts/play styles with it

To me an Omni Hero was a better choice in that regard

Also making purchase decisions based on quirks isn't something one should do if your new
I got 3 top dogs and now I'm bored with FP (and a 4th (P) from the Phoenix pack)
Those were well quirked once :D

Ehh maybe when one can switch sides more often I'll try again

Edited by Peter2k, 19 February 2018 - 10:37 AM.

#22 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 19 February 2018 - 02:44 PM

I am Tier 5, I play casually 3-15 games a week. I favour midrange to point blank range brawling with Heavies and Assaults. As far as missles SRMs, ATMs,MRMs and Rocket Pods are better than LURMs for ME. I like mixed builds, twin LBX-2s or AC-5s or a single LBX-10 or AC-20, a single LPL, or ERPPC, or Heavy PPC, 2-4MLs, single or dual MRM-10 or MRM-20, or single or dual Rocket Pod 20.

I have a Stalker Misery, Battlemaster 1G,Stalker 3 FB,Warhammer Black Widow,Orion Protector, Orion llC Skoll,Highlander Heavy Metal,Highlander llC Keeper, these are the machines I love.

#23 Cataphractos


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 01:43 AM

First question: Spare Parts, how long does it take for your SRMs to run out? Also, I know rockets are a one-shot weapon; what do you do to get the most out of them?

Second question: assuming I've got a Medium or Heavy brawler, what's a good front-to-rear-armor ratio?

Third question: obviously, you use XL engines for Light Mechs. But at what point should you switch over to Standard?

Fourth question: how do you make friends in this game? Because friendship (sappy music plays) is the most powerful engine of all. (Sappy music is increasingly drowned out by explosions.)

#24 MiZia


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 01:55 AM

Tbh i use 98/2 armor ratio on almost every mech. If u feel getting backcored to much maybe just up to 92/8 o something like.

#25 Dragonporn


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 02:05 AM

^ Same, but I vary between 4-6 back armor (6 if too paranoid), works well so far.
Engine is pretty complex topic highly dependent on mech in question and its build.

On friendship, that depends on gamemode preference I guess. I got friend requests from random dudes in matches several times, but since QP is solo-queued, it's pointless, because I heard group-queue takes ages in QP. The only point in "friendship" is if you intend to play this game competitively by dropping in units, FP comes to mind. In that case good idea would be to find unit to join (friends included) in the first place.

#26 Peter2k


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 03:47 AM

If you're dropping with a friend or 2 in group que then you're also mixed with 8, 10 or even 12 man groups

Not the most friendly place to play when you're new really

Personally I find it more harsh and unforgiving when you happen to make a mistake
Many times you face perfectly tuned leveled up Mechs and experienced players
Bigger groups communicate, so if you like put out your head somewhere where you shouldn't have then you're more likely to get focused on by many players

One could argue it's better to teach new players, but that's best left to more experienced players or better yet groups
And you are playing in Tier 4 or 5, no experienced players there, so the in-game function of making friends is mood in that regard

If you want to make friends it's best to look for a group to play with
You'll find those in the faction play section here on the forums
IS, Clan and Mercs have each they're own section
Usually they have people willing to teach others, and running with a group that isn't all made out of new players means you stand a chance

Edited by Peter2k, 20 February 2018 - 03:53 AM.

#27 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 04:04 AM

View PostCataphractos, on 20 February 2018 - 01:43 AM, said:

First question: Spare Parts, how long does it take for your SRMs to run out? Also, I know rockets are a one-shot weapon; what do you do to get the most out of them?

Second question: assuming I've got a Medium or Heavy brawler, what's a good front-to-rear-armor ratio?

Third question: obviously, you use XL engines for Light Mechs. But at what point should you switch over to Standard?

Fourth question: how do you make friends in this game? Because friendship (sappy music plays) is the most powerful engine of all. (Sappy music is increasingly drowned out by explosions.)

SRMs ammo for Clans is about 120 per ton, so 2-3 tons usually lasts a game. Rocket Pods are one shots so it is all about opportunity. Example you come around a corner and an enemy assault has presented its back to you. Make sure you are within no less than 50 meters and light it up fire everything that doesn't make you overheat, pop an Artillery or Air Strike and RUN!!!

I am only using Heavies and Assaults currently but I put all but 11-12 armour points on each rear torso and 13-14 on the rear CT.
Clan Mechs or Omnimechs use XL engines period. IS my thought is Light engine to save weight and they are almost as good as Clan XLs.

As far as friends my schedule is messed up and I don't normally get to play with friends much ever. As far as making friends here. Read others writings if you like what they say and how they act here friend them.

Edited by Spare Parts Bin, 20 February 2018 - 04:07 AM.

#28 Horseman


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 07:46 AM

View PostSpare Parts Bin, on 19 February 2018 - 02:44 PM, said:

I like mixed builds, twin LBX-2s or AC-5s or a single LBX-10 or AC-20, a single LPL, or ERPPC, or Heavy PPC, 2-4MLs, single or dual MRM-10 or MRM-20, or single or dual Rocket Pod 20.
First thing to note... effective builds have between 1 and 3 weapon types, and those usually cover similar ranges and firing rates. Don't build a kitchen sink mech that's PITA to actually pilot, I've done that in the past (and regretted it).


As far as missles SRMs, ATMs,MRMs and Rocket Pods are better than LURMs for ME.
Good. Proper usage of LRMs requires some map knowledge and a chassis that's actually suited for the weapon type (which not all are - generally we're talking 2+ missile hardpoints and LRM-specific quirks).

View PostCataphractos, on 20 February 2018 - 01:43 AM, said:

how long does it take for your SRMs to run out?
An easy rule of thumb is to expect you'll fire 20-30 shots per weapon during the game and take enough ammo to do that, then adjust up or down based on your in-game performance.


Also, I know rockets are a one-shot weapon; what do you do to get the most out of them?
Two ways to do this: Use them as a finishing weapon against weakened enemies or boat multiple rocket launchers to one-shot an enemy mech early (but don't forget to have other weapons!).


Second question: assuming I've got a Medium or Heavy brawler, what's a good front-to-rear-armor ratio?
No more than 10 pts rear, ever, unless we're talking heavily armored Assaults. Light mechs and fast Mediums can go much lower.


Third question: obviously, you use XL engines for Light Mechs. But at what point should you switch over to Standard?
For Clan? Just about never. For IS? Medium brawlers / frontliners will use Light Engines. Most heavies and Assaults will use Light engines as well - some Heavy mechs can use XLs and get away with it due to favorable geometry (or playstyle), but they're an exception rather than the rule.

There are very few use cases for Standard engines:
  • You want to run Heavy Gauss or IS LB-20X (requires 11 slots in side torso)
  • You're on an Assault mech with a lot of free tonnage and need more slots in side torsos
  • You're running a hot build and don't want the cooling penalty Light engines / Clan XL engines incur on loss of a side torso


Fourth question: how do you make friends in this game? Because friendship (sappy music plays) is the most powerful engine of all. (Sappy music is increasingly drowned out by explosions.)
Think more along the lines of "teamwork is the most OP weapon".

Find an organized group that drops in the same time frame you're usually playing - eventually you'll want to join one of the organized player groups known as "Units" (equivalent to "guilds" in other online games).
There are recruitment sections on these boards, look there. Many teamspeak/discord hubs have "public" drop groups that anyone can pug with - and units are often willing to take you on a few drops in Group Queue before you "officially" join. Use that first to find out if the unit is a good fit for you.
Eventually join one of those units and make friends there.

View PostPeter2k, on 20 February 2018 - 03:47 AM, said:

If you're dropping with a friend or 2 in group que then you're also mixed with 8, 10 or even 12 man groups
Not the most friendly place to play when you're new really
Personally I find it more harsh and unforgiving when you happen to make a mistake
Many times you face perfectly tuned leveled up Mechs and experienced players
Bigger groups communicate, so if you like put out your head somewhere where you shouldn't have then you're more likely to get focused on by many players

One could argue it's better to teach new players, but that's best left to more experienced players or better yet groups
Quite true.Treat the group queue as middle ground between regular Quick Play and Faction Play, it's really not a place for beginners (unless you're dropping as part of a more experienced and better kitted out team) or casual players.

Edited by Horseman, 20 February 2018 - 10:46 PM.

#29 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 04:04 PM

I had a guy in a Mailer today try to rush me in my Stalker 3 FB. I hit him so hard with a mix of MRMs and Rocket Pods followed by MLs and a pair of ERLLs. He backed up. His buddies chewed me up and the arriving cavalry overlayed the enemy Doritos on me and finished me off. Still got a Kill.

Played 7 games got 6 Kills(1 Solo),3 Kill Most Damage,35 Kill Assists,and 8 Components Destroyed, this was with one game being AFK'D and unable to see how I did. Despite this match did 1518 damage total.

#30 Cataphractos


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 06:47 AM

OOF. I am not doing well in this Jaguar. With the UAC-5s and ER-PPCs it came with, it seems to be built for long-range sniping, which I just can't get the hang of. But when I give it mid-range weapons -- currently Heavy Large Lasers and an AC-10 -- I get stomped. Any tips?

On the plus side, the way MWO treats Omnipods is interesting. Definitely a change from previous BattleTech computer games, which (as far as I can remember) didn't bother with Omnipods at all. It gives the Clan Mechs a more Clanner feel, which is a nice touch...although so far, I still prefer the IS take on customizing.

#31 Spare Parts Bin


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 07:39 AM

View PostCataphractos, on 21 February 2018 - 06:47 AM, said:

OOF. I am not doing well in this Jaguar. With the UAC-5s and ER-PPCs it came with, it seems to be built for long-range sniping, which I just can't get the hang of. But when I give it mid-range weapons -- currently Heavy Large Lasers and an AC-10 -- I get stomped. Any tips?

On the plus side, the way MWO treats Omnipods is interesting. Definitely a change from previous BattleTech computer games, which (as far as I can remember) didn't bother with Omnipods at all. It gives the Clan Mechs a more Clanner feel, which is a nice touch...although so far, I still prefer the IS take on customizing.

Each build has a steep learning curve. An Ebon Jag or most Omnimechs offer you a ton of possibilities for customizing weapons for your preferences. I like a mix of ACs,one PPC,several lasers,and some missles.

#32 Horseman


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 09:04 AM

View PostCataphractos, on 21 February 2018 - 06:47 AM, said:

OOF. I am not doing well in this Jaguar. With the UAC-5s and ER-PPCs it came with, it seems to be built for long-range sniping, which I just can't get the hang of.
Stock builds are almost always trash.That one has five different weapons... remember what did I say about that earlier?


But when I give it mid-range weapons -- currently Heavy Large Lasers and an AC-10 -- I get stomped. Any tips?
Try recreating your current build on Smurfy ( https://mwo.smurfy-n...b#i=591&l=stock ), share the link here and describe how your weapons are grouped.
You can always check the builds on metamechs and adapt something from there (try running them in Training Grounds first - some things have changed quite a bit).

#33 Neutron IX


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 09:33 AM

View PostKoniving, on 18 February 2018 - 09:05 AM, said:

Its off on some things.
TAG is useful to help accelerate your missile locks and give you Artemis-style accuracy without the extra weight Artemis needs (for LRMs anyway). Also if you have a ranged shooter, the TAG laser can help you find (and avoid shooting at) invisible walls.. which are defects on some maps. You'll find them most often near pillars, buildings, crash sites and really wild mesh terrain.

NARC is only handy if you have LRMs, Streaks, or friends with the same.

Why not remove the BAP? Only real reason to keep it is if you're dealing with ECM enemies while using lockon weaponry...

I have a lot of mechs slower than 70 kph; they are far from useless. However it is all about not being in front of the enemy or the center of attention. Come in from the side or behind if possible, if you must attack from the front, don't do it alone.

Good luck.

This. For real. While NARC can be useful, yes, there is a particular degree of difficulty in effectively using it that makes it less friendly to newer players, but as Koniving mentioned, TAG can effectively function as a laser sight for longer range weapons, and is awesome when paired with missile weapons + ranged weapons at teaching you line-of-sight habits and quirks of the map.

I have used a build like this...BAP, 1 x TAG, 1 X ERPPC, 2 x LRM-15+Artemis on a handful of mechs to greater effect than it looks like should be possible on paper. It's a great ECM buster.

#34 Peter2k


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:25 PM

View PostCataphractos, on 21 February 2018 - 06:47 AM, said:

OOF. I am not doing well in this Jaguar. With the UAC-5s and ER-PPCs it came with, it seems to be built for long-range sniping, which I just can't get the hang of. But when I give it mid-range weapons -- currently Heavy Large Lasers and an AC-10 -- I get stomped. Any tips?

On the plus side, the way MWO treats Omnipods is interesting. Definitely a change from previous BattleTech computer games, which (as far as I can remember) didn't bother with Omnipods at all. It gives the Clan Mechs a more Clanner feel, which is a nice touch...although so far, I still prefer the IS take on customizing.

Why not try this

Triple U-Ac'5s
While it doesn't have backup weapons, you have to survive long enough for it to matter
Also I would recommend using less backarmor like in that link (am on mobile and smurfy doesn't like it)

While U-Ac'5s can be used for long(ish) range engagements it's not really recommended as such
All ballistics have a drop off, a curve downward with as the distance increases, and clan U-Ac's have not one bullet but several, meaning your spreading damage, if your hitting something with them at a distance at all

U-Ac'5s are a good brawling/medium weapon

3 U-Ac'5s should give you more synergy (left mouse button->left arm, right mouse button->right arm, third mouse button->shoulder), easier controls and easier heat management

Me thinks at least

You could also go all lasers, but you need to manage the heat better
I wouldn't mix an AC10 with heavy lasers, mediums that's fine
I'd think your damage output with 4 medium lasers would be higher than using 2 heavy large
Just on the account of heat
Also the range on ERMediums is not bad really, and they still do good damage beyond the optimum range
Gotta hit stuff at distances too far for ERMeds reliably first for the range to matter :D

Edited by Peter2k, 21 February 2018 - 12:30 PM.

#35 Leone


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 12:47 PM

View PostCataphractos, on 21 February 2018 - 06:47 AM, said:

OOF. I am not doing well in this Jaguar. With the UAC-5s and ER-PPCs it came with, it seems to be built for long-range sniping, which I just can't get the hang of. But when I give it mid-range weapons -- currently Heavy Large Lasers and an AC-10 -- I get stomped. Any tips?

Plenty! Personally, without buying new pods, I'd try this build. But then, I should warn you, I brawl. It's a numbers and efficiency thing. Longer range weaponry runs hotter or heavier, or both. Means that shorter ranged builds can beat out long range ones, 1v1, which is where the whole 'Teamwork OP' thing comes in. You could try a missle mech for long range harrassment. I'm thinking something Like This, which is meant to shield with the left with a flamer for brawl deterrent and large pulses for midrange to brawl protection. It's a bit anemic damage wise, but without swapping pods it's the best I can think of shy of some Gauss/Er Large build for range.

Anyways, for tips in general, I've a Assault's Guide that covers, by necessity, positioning. Might be worth a perusal.

View PostCataphractos, on 20 February 2018 - 01:43 AM, said:

Second question: assuming I've got a Medium or Heavy brawler, what's a good front-to-rear-armor ratio?

As a brawler, I pretty much only run 7 CT and 3 side torso. This armour is there to protect from glancing blows from my own teammates. I've run 'Line Breakers' meant to charge an enemy line and take backshots, getting the enemy to turn an get blindsided by my team. But it's just not worth it. That back armour could be covering your front, and that's where I tend to die from. I pretty much always move around the edge of the enemy nowadays so I can keep my back clear. Think ambush predator, always picking off the ones at the edge of the pack, keepin' your rear clear.

View PostCataphractos, on 20 February 2018 - 01:43 AM, said:

Third question: obviously, you use XL engines for Light Mechs. But at what point should you switch over to Standard?

Whenever you're losing your Side torso before your center. Now, I learned the game and play mainly in CW, so I think about the team often, and being another target on the board helps my team more'n a little extra movement helps, but that's my opinion, and isn't shared by all. Take what you like and works best for you.

View PostCataphractos, on 20 February 2018 - 01:43 AM, said:

Fourth question: how do you make friends in this game? Because friendship (sappy music plays) is the most powerful engine of all. (Sappy music is increasingly drowned out by explosions.)

You chat. Anyone with a unit tag, like so, "[Hand]" is in a unit, either to drop in Community warfare, or just to drop with friends. They are the ones most likely to be willing to chat or group up. Try voip, offer to group up, leave yourself in 'LFG', or even Jump into the Deep end of the pool with CW. Just bewarned, teamwork is OP, and if you're inna group, it means your opposition is as well.

View PostCataphractos, on 18 February 2018 - 10:50 PM, said:

(Yeah, I know they're "officially" Timber Wolves, but I was introduced to BattleTech through MC2 and MW4, so they'll always be Mad Cats to me.)

Okay, if we're going that way, the Ebon Jaguar was known as the Cauldron Born by the Inner Sphere pilots, and the name was so apt it even caught on in Clan Parlance, to the point that no one bothered called 'em Ebon Jags anymore.

Edit: Oh! Narcs! I actually have a pokey large pulse mech with a narc launcher. Yes they're great for missile locks, but knowing exactly where the enemy is is also great for poking. Information warfare! But yeah, for brawling I'd rather have the srm 6.


Edited by Leone, 21 February 2018 - 12:49 PM.

#36 Dragonporn


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Posted 21 February 2018 - 05:08 PM

View PostCataphractos, on 21 February 2018 - 06:47 AM, said:

OOF. I am not doing well in this Jaguar. With the UAC-5s and ER-PPCs it came with, it seems to be built for long-range sniping, which I just can't get the hang of. But when I give it mid-range weapons -- currently Heavy Large Lasers and an AC-10 -- I get stomped. Any tips?

On the plus side, the way MWO treats Omnipods is interesting. Definitely a change from previous BattleTech computer games, which (as far as I can remember) didn't bother with Omnipods at all. It gives the Clan Mechs a more Clanner feel, which is a nice touch...although so far, I still prefer the IS take on customizing.

What weapons do you want to have? What playstyle you think would be most comfortable for you? As many folks mentioned here, Ominpods are flexible, so you can build Ebon Jag into many different things.

If you search, you can usually stumble upon threads like this:
Some may be outdated, but as practice shows, majority are still quite viable (with few tweaks if needed).
Also, keep in mind that you have to decide and be comfortable with mech build before you start buying and investing skill points, respecs can bite you pretty hard sometimes.

#37 Cataphractos


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Posted 22 February 2018 - 09:00 AM

As of this morning, I'm using this.


Not sure how well it works for the kind of mid-range (300-1,000 meter) engagements I'm aiming for. I lost both games I've played this configuration, but in one of those games, there was zero communication and an Atlas that did nothing but make left turns into various walls.

EDIT: I use two weapon groups, left-mouse for whatever I consider the "primary weapons", and right-mouse for the "secondary weapons". I refuse to mount UACs, simply because of the jamming issue. Finally getting a target in your crosshairs, only to find you can't actually shoot it because you're still going through your un-jamming cycle, is immensely frustrating. My ultimate goal is to reduce frustration, not to increase it.

Edited by Cataphractos, 22 February 2018 - 09:09 AM.

#38 Neutron IX


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Posted 22 February 2018 - 09:24 AM

That's not terrible, though I'll admit I don't know what the current meta is for EBJs.

You might try moving an LPL up to the ST, and then swapping out the other LPL for some smaller lasers + SRMs/ammo in the arms?

Also, and this is just my personal preference, on most mediums/heavies, you may not need more than 6-8 points in your rear armor unless you find you are consistently having trouble dealing with lights circling in behind you.

Were it me, I'd try the above adjustments, plus max out my armor and shift a few more points from the front to the back.

I'd also maybe consider one firing group for the arm weapons, one for the torso weapons, and one for alpha-strike.

If you only have a two button mouse, maybe do it 1 = arms, 2 = torso, fire both for alpha?

#39 Peter2k


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Posted 22 February 2018 - 10:08 AM

View PostRip Snorgan, on 22 February 2018 - 09:24 AM, said:

That's not terrible, though I'll admit I don't know what the current meta is for EBJs.

Well lasers really, but I'd say that's also because lasers are in a good meta place still



Those are brawly, though I'd go with some back armor

Been using like 3 points for a long time now

#40 Neutron IX


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Posted 22 February 2018 - 10:29 AM

Just noticed your bit about wanting to fight in the 300-1000 meter range.

That being the case, you might try a build along the lines of Peter2K's links, leaning on LPLs + ERMLs. They play pretty well together and feature pretty prominently as combos in several Champion mech builds.

Will get you decent range, up into the area you're looking for.

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