This means that there's a chance that one could die with a side-torso loss provided that the CT is already damaged, likewise it's also extremely advantageous to XL check that it already weakens the CT, but not so much so that it's an instant kill.
Locust has 12 CT structure right? What if IS-XL ST deals 6 damage inwards per side-torso, but IS LFE deals 4 damage per side-torso for a 20 tonner? But the Commando as a 25-tonner with 16 CT Structure would deal 8 damage/ST for IS-XL, but does 5.3334 damage with LFEs. So on, and so forth till we reach 100 Tons. Basically IS-XL deals 50% CT-structure as internal damage to CT, But LFE does only 33.33%.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 23 February 2018 - 02:23 AM.