MischiefSC, on 05 March 2018 - 02:30 PM, said:
However what you'll see is that a lot of the best players in the game are not even in the top 100. I mean people who were in MWOWC finals sort of good. You'll also see, as you go down the list, a lot of people you recognize in things like LRM Scorch, with a 1.2 or less W/L but who always do a lot of largely worthless damage and play every match from the very back so they die last but functionally help ensure their teams failure.
Match score is a terrible mechanic for sorting out who is actually good or bad at the game. If you played every match with a Deathstrike and never hit anything but CT and cockpits you could have a w/l over 3 or 4.0 and spend most matches carrying like Atlas but have a average match score of like 275; because you're killing mechs with ~100 damage each.
Sort by w/l and look down the list again. The top 100+ are going to be top performers you recognize. I know people don't like it but the reality is that good players win more often than bad players on average. That the best indicator of how good someone is at winning (not farming damage or anything else but actually winning) is.... how often they win. Crazy, I know. Inconvenient if you don't win as much as you think that you should, I know. However if you want to win more often then you should do more of what actually wins. If don't win as much as you think you should than whatever you think actually wins? Probably doesn't actually win as much as you think it does and you should look into that a bit more. Maybe watch/talk to the people who win more than you.
While this is mostly true, you will also see good players farming ST's for kill's when they arent pressured. Got the drop on someone? Eliminate one ST and then the other and get 2.5 to 3x the damage if you had just hit CT. You can watch great players do this all the time.
Opening a mech in any torso is anything but worthless damage. Taking out their weapons from range is pretty useful. Lrm boat opening a bunch of big mechs for you? Well its payday in your MG light.
Group queue skews the hell out of jarls list anyway.
And I am absolutely positive if we go by match score that I am nowhere near a top 5% player with some of the skilled guys I see around. Skewed stats are skewed no matter what.
Edited by Knuckles OTool, 05 March 2018 - 05:56 PM.