Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood, on 29 March 2018 - 09:57 AM, said:
Awhile ago I wrote up a guide and put it on steam for new players to look over after some time playing faction play and finding that the average builds that players were using were abysmal. Since Clan decks are rather easy to assemble while IS ones require a bit more finesse to setup I included a large list of builds and tutorials on how to use them.
Here is the guide in full:
This was put out before the Annihilator was all too well known, and is mostly aimed at solo players jumping into the mode rather than teams, so a dual Annihilator deck might not be the best option for them and was not included.
What are your thoughts on the guide?
I commend your post for helping new players (not that we have much of those)
I'm not even gonna bust your chops for being an LRM hater, but will say this:
Since you included various play styles, you should have mentioned LRMs, since in FP LRMs can indeed be extremely useful in some situations and on many maps. True, they are atrocious on some maps, but on some, especially on Siege: defend, you simply can't deny a good LRM defense is not an option.
Since I know you're gonna say "never bring LRMs to FP, LRMs are bad, yada yada yada.. I'm gonna fill in this list for you, so that people can make up their own minds if they wanna try it or not.
First off - LRMs in FP -
USE them on Alpine, Polar, Tourmaline, Grim Plexus, Frozen, Canyon, Bog and any Siege:Defend map, except Grim Portico.
DO NOT USE them on Siege attack maps except Sulfurous rift, but only when pushing Alpha gate. Also, don't use them on maps not mentioned above.
FP LRM Dropdeck builds (Clan):
Dropdeck 1)
2 x Supernova SNV-A (4 x LRM20 + 4 x CERSL + 1JJ and as much ammo as you can fit. Alternatively, bring 2 x LRM20+2 x LRM15 + 4 x CERSL for extra ammo) Skill for full missile nodes, velocity, range and sensors, with 2 cool shots and some survival. You wanna bring 2500-3500 LRM missiles worth of ammo. Use highest rating CXL engine.
1 x Arctic Cheetah (6 x ERSL + NARC / 6 CMG + NARC)
1 x Myst Lynx (8 x CHMG + 3 CERSL)
Dropdeck 2)
Same as above, but instead of Supernova SNV-A, you can use 2 Madcats MCII-4 with the same builds, or 2 Highlanders HGN-IIC-B (4 x LRM20 + 2ERML) or a combination of any of the three.
FP LRM dropdeck IS side:
2 x AWS-8R (4 x LRM15 + 3 x ERML, 300 Light engine, As much ammo as can fit)
1 x Pirate's Bane ( 2 x MG + 4 x ERSL + Stealth Armor) or equivalent
1 x one medium mech of your choice.
Alternatively, you can use other IS LRM boats, but you wanna keep your tube count at a minimum of 60, and your ammo count at roughly 2000+
Maulers, Stalkers, Cyclopes and Archers are good candidates. Catapults, are ok, but low tube/ammo count.
The point of the above stated dropdecks is to have a ton of LRMs raining on the called target at any one time, firing continuously, and from deep cover. The LRMs are meant as much for suppressing enemy movements as for raw damage. Multiple LRM boats raining on the same target without getting shot themselves will ruin an enemy's day real fast.
The light/medium mechs are meant for harassment, capping and NARC-ing. If you want others to NARC for you, you gotta be able to do the same for them. A single NARC-er can change the battle to a win. Make sure your fast movers have 2 UAVs and use them appropriately.
Suggested playstyle:
For LRM boat assaults: stay in deep cover and shoot at anything you can lock. You wanna keep raining continuously, never letting up, and always keeping the enemy suppressed. Once all ammo is spent, you will usually be only lightly damaged, so if the enemy is regrouping simply eject. If the enemy is already / still present and visible, announce over VOIP which area you're in, and PUSH the enemy, making yourself a meat shield for your teammates to move behind. Such pushes are often extremely successful, and you've got nothing to lose since you're out of ammo anyway.
For lights and fast mediums: You wanna keep the enemy lit-up and visible. You are a distraction, a harasser, and a scout for your team. Pop UAVs. Narc. Go for exposed soft backs. You wanna keep the enemy's attention on you while they are getting rained on by your teammates.
Edited by Vellron2005, 30 March 2018 - 01:07 AM.