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Davion Vanguards Recruiting!

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#1 IronGuard666


  • Leftenant Colonel
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Posted 24 March 2018 - 11:29 AM

Greetings, MechWarriors!

We, the Davion VanGuards, are recruiting! We are a small unit of company size, and we like to do QP and FP as well. We are relatively new as a Unit, our foundation took place in December of 2017.
We play mostly for fun, nothing too serious. We offer a friendly community, knowledge of Mechs and Tech, as well as lore and a bit roleplaying if you like. What we really like to do is murdering each other in Test Battles to train our brawling skills, long-range capabilities and everything in between.

What we require of you is to be an active player, not every day, not every time, but if you can do Unit drops on weekends, that would be appreciated. No limits on time zones, right now we are mostly american and some european guys.

We may not be the best players out there, but we always have fun!

If you are interested in joining some of the funniest guys House Davion has to offer, just send a friend request in game to me, Varothen or Jaeger Hunter.

May your aim be true!

IronGuard666, Captain, Davion VanGuards

Edited by IronGuard666, 24 March 2018 - 11:41 AM.

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