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Missing Shots Because Your Arms Are Too Wide? - Projectile Convergence Upgrade

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#1 Enduar


  • The Raider
  • The Raider
  • 7 posts

Posted 06 April 2018 - 01:00 PM

Simple enough suggestion:

Right now projectiles on arms, most notably very wide ones, will noticeably converge at the point you are aiming. This can make aiming at laterally moving targets difficult when you must lead your shot to hit them as your reticle shifts off of the target to lead your shot, thus adjusting the spread of your shots to the terrain behind them (usually greatly widening the spread of your projectiles). For particularly wide 'mechs like the Nightstar or King Crab, this means you can often-times shoot completely around a given 'mech.

My suggestion is to adjust weapon convergence so that the point at which your shots converge is set to the distance of your currently locked target, overriding the "point of aim" adjustment. Unlocking all targets will return to the default (current) mechanics.

A small benefit of this would be that people would be more diligent about locking on to active targets, providing more information for your team, and a small drawback would be that pilots would experience some very strange weapon behavior if they, for example, locked on to a light circling them at close range and then attempted to shoot at someone else in the far distance.

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