Nightbird, on 13 April 2018 - 06:13 AM, said:
People said the Anni and NS will be DOA based on geometry and hardpoint locations, in hopes PGI will quirk them sufficiently to be viable. PGI listened for the Anni, didn't for the NS. At least the Fafnir got something! It will be just as good as the NS.
Again I tend to agree but I have been surprised several times at how good a mech I predicted to be total crap turned out decent.
Honestly though, I just can't see it with this mech. Nope, Nada, No Way. I can try to be as optimistic as I want but the Flaw of the size, shape and obviousness of the hit boxes on this mech are just too pronounced. I am thinking that they will need to at least double the armor quirks they already have to make a difference and honestly with an 8.5 acceleration and only 11.75 deceleration this mech isn't even going to be a good peeker. Your going to slowly plod up the hill being fired at the whole time, fire you weapons, then slowed plod back down the hill while taking fire the whole time. It will probably take like 10+ seconds to do that "peek".